California Nude Hikers Association

This group is for those that likes to hike naked, and to possible meet other like-minded people to hike Naked in California. Please be careful as some places do not allow nude hiking. As always proceed with caution. I always suggest have your shorts handy just incase you encounter textiles, especially parents with children.

I want to go nude hiking near LA

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anyone up for it ?

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  • 6 years ago
RE:I want to go nude hiking near LA

there is a hiking area up in the west fork of the Azusa Canyon called Bear Creek! you can figure out the nickname

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  • 5 years ago
RE:I want to go nude hiking near LA

any way to give us the trail head?

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  • 5 years ago
RE:I want to go nude hiking near LA

I am interested in hiking up in Bear Creek in the west fork of the Azusa canyon, possibly in the next 2 weeks. Just need to be warmer than today! LOL. My schedule varies from day to day so it would have to be in a last minute decision when to go!

This post was edited 5 years ago
  • 5 years ago
RE:I want to go nude hiking near LA

Has any one used the trails around Mill Creek Fire Summit station or Pacific Crest Trail? Both look like manageable treks. This is off the Angeles Forest Hwy.

This post was edited 4 years ago
  • 4 years ago
RE:I want to go nude hiking near LA

Has any one used the trails around Mill Creek Fire Summit station or Pacific Crest Trail? Both look like manageable treks. This is off the Angeles Forest Hwy.

have you done any nude hikes along these trails?

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  • 4 years ago
RE:I want to go nude hiking near LA

I have tried the Mill Creek Summit trail. I was timid and turned around quickly. I didn't bring any cover up. The side toward LA looked like an easier walk, but I tried the side toward Palmdale because it offered more cover.
Any one have experience on these trails? Should I leave everything in the car? Or bring along a cover? Shower kilt? Shorts seem so awkward.

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  • 3 years ago