California Nude Hikers Association

This group is for those that likes to hike naked, and to possible meet other like-minded people to hike Naked in California. Please be careful as some places do not allow nude hiking. As always proceed with caution. I always suggest have your shorts handy just incase you encounter textiles, especially parents with children.

Join this Group

I looks like everyone has forgotten
about this group. I have been as guilty as everyone else in not
posting any naked hiking info.
As far as locations I have
hiked nude, the best one is Deep Creek Hot Springs. This area is a
recognized clothing optional area so even though most hikers are
clothed, they do not care if you happen to be nude.
I always
drive there nude, get out of the car at the entrance to pay the day
use fee nude and leave all my clothes in the car when I hike down to
the Hot Springs. The down side to this location is the steep hike
out. Also there are times when the textiles out number the nudists.
There has been a few occasions when for a time i was the only one
nude, but I never felt uncomfortable or out of place.
in the San Fernando Valley, it is a long drive to and from Deep Creek
and with the cost of gas what it is I do not go there as often as I
used to. This does not mean I do not hike nude. I have found a Forest
Service Road near Lake Castaic that can be hiked nude.
The trail
head, and only access to this location, is located off of Lake Hughes
Road. There is room for two cars to park off the road and unlimited
parking along the side of the road. Even though I normally go hiking
on the weekend, it is rare to see anyone else there. Over the years I
have gotten into the habit that as long as there are no other cars
there I will start my hike nude. If there are any cars there I will
start out in shorts until passing the other hikers then continue on
nude. There is always the possibility that someone could be coming
down the trail as you are hiking out, but most times you can see them
in advance and cover up before you pass them.
I should add that recently I have stayed nude when passing others on the trail and even though this is not a clothing optional area I have not had a problem so far.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: Lake Castaic

Thanks for contributing.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Lake Castaic

Be careful when hiking Castaic Lake though, it's STATE property and you could get a ticket. You can though hike ANY NATIONAL PARK OR NATIONAL FOREST land without a ticket, since the NATION doesn't have nudity laws. I verified this with a friend who is a park ranger at a national park.
I might have to check it out anyway - just to see. :-)

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Lake Castaic

Actually if you look at the sign I am standing beside in my profile picture, the area above Lake Castaic is part of the Angeles National Forest.
That said, even though there are no national laws regarding nudity, the courts have ruled that local laws can apply in the national forest.
Here in Los Angeles county the sheriffs department has taken the view that as long as there are no complaints, you are not likely to be sited.
In fact, as I have posted previously, I was hiking nude when three sheriffs deputies drove up behind me. I was on the phone with my niece at the time and they had actually gotten out of there truck and were standing there watching me before I was aware they were there. They did ask about my nudity but there reason for being there was they were checking a report of illegal camping.

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  • 10 years ago