California Santa Clarita CA Nudist
Locals in Santa Clarita CA and surrounding areas...
Anyone get the vaccine shots yet?
Return to DiscussionsGot my first vaccine shot a few days ago and looking forward to getting active again. Anyone else? It's great to know there is a group in the area of fellow nudists and lifestylers. Just to introduce myself, I'm Ben. Please say "hi," tell me your name(s) and perhaps we can get together soon.
- 4 years ago
Hi ben,
Just got my 1st shot yesterday and am pumped about being able to get out and do things again. It was a breeze, no pain, no strain, no aftereffects.
- 4 years ago
Same here Chuck. Didn't even feel the shot go in. Can't wait til we get the masks off and be able to see smiles again.
- 4 years ago
I wont even mind the mask if I can get out and do some things soon, tired of being stuck inside with nothing but a VGA tan
- 4 years ago
Got my first last week at CSUN. Drive through, piece of cake. Just a few more weeks and nude time here I come!
- 4 years ago