Campers In The Nude

Anyone who goes camping in the nude. Be it a tent, trailer. or bus -- just like camping.

Richmond,Va area camping

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Looking for friends who want to go camping in the nude. Looking for a Saturday in August/September

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RE:Richmond,Va area camping

I found a few spots at campgrounds and WMAs that work well. I might go to a WMA tomorrow morning if you want to come along

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RE:Richmond,Va area camping

What and where is WMA?

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RE:Richmond,Va area camping

Yes what is WMA

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RE:Richmond,Va area camping

Yes what is WMA

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RE:Richmond,Va area camping

Yes what is WMA

A Wildlife Management Area

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RE:Richmond,Va area camping

WMA= Wildlife Management Area. Look on Va. Fish and game website for locations

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RE:Richmond,Va area camping

Is there any place between Richmond and Tidewater? I'm somewhat close to the NC border. I've heard about GWNF, but never been. We've had some health issues over the last 5 years or so, my camper hasn't gone farther than around the block in a long time. I've also not taken my tow vehicle on a shakedown trip since we replaced the engine... yet. I've been itching to take the camper out again, I just haven't been abke to make the time to do it.

I've camped at Bear Creek Lake State Park which is just west of Richmond. While not a clothes free camp area I think you could find opportunities to be free. Latest I ever went there was around Nov. 10 and the weather was pretty nice.

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