Campers In The Nude

Anyone who goes camping in the nude. Be it a tent, trailer. or bus -- just like camping.

Is it true that there are no anti-nudity laws on federal lands?

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RE: Federal Lands

I remember hearing that when I lived in Florida. We used to go over to Kennedy Space Coast.

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RE: Federal Lands

well i have talked to several rangers in georgia and they had no problem arresting folks that they caught nude of course they were more interested in the perv's. i think it is the descreation of the district manager . i've been to apollo beach at canaveral and it is acceptable but the got a new park manager and so far so good but who know when they will change their minds. one thing interesting about apollo is there are five parking areas to the beach the last one is the nude area and needless to say when you past the first four they are vacant or maybe one or two cars and at the fifth it is packed.

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RE: Federal Lands

Sandy Hook is under Federal Control. There are many beaches there but it is only at Gunnison that you can be legally nude. Federal law allows, but does not necessarily permit.

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RE: Federal Lands

We have camped nude on Lake Powell in Utah and were hassled by the Park Rangers. We argued with them on several occasions re: our nudity. They finally capitulated and said that it is not illegal on BLM land but if we were all caught doing anything that they considered lewd, the local sheriff would arrest us. Since the Feds have the jurisdiction, they are the ones that have to push the envelope and call the local law enforcement.

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RE: Federal Lands

remember that even though federal officers or authority may not prosecute usually local authority will probably have jurisdiction to and may arrestand even if you hired a lawyer and won a court case you probably took a ride to jail.

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RE: State parks in Illinois

He saidFederal Parks .

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RE: State parks in Illinois

It is a violation to neked in a State park in Illinois unless it is stated otherwise and thats nowhere around where I live. : (That is the key. State Park .

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RE: State parks in Illinois

As far as I'm aware, there's no law against nudity in any Federal State Park.
Of course I mean nudity. Any other sexually disruptive behavior will get youa ride in the "Party Wagon".
The rule of thumb is to keep something with you to cover up promptly if there are other people passing by or if someone complaints about it and the Ranger will let you slide for as long as I mentioned before it was just plain nudity and nothing else.
If the people passing/camping by don't care or don't make a big deal of it, well more power to you :)
Have a great day and stay nude :-)

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RE: Federal Lands

Everglades National Park rangers have been totally okay with my summertime nudity there. Summer is their off-season though. I am often the only party camping in the park when I get my permit, so i get my choice of all the campsites.
They might not be as accepting during their peak season when all the campsites are filled and lots of boats are on the water.

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RE: Federal Lands

I was camping in the Ocala National Forest
I picked out the farthest campsite from the road that my truck could
drive to. I then walked back toward the main road and placed one of my
"Nudist Area Today" signs out so that anyone coming later would be
The next day, a couple of forest rangers pulled into the first
campsite by the main road. Someone had left an old boat in the pond, and
they were discussing (rather loudly) how to get the boat out. They did not come over to my campsite, but they did say "nudist" and laughed. One of them said he ran across a nudist laying right across one of the forest roads. I had already been packing up
to leave, and decided now was as good a time as any, since my peace and
quiet was sort of gone. I reluctantly dressed, and drove back toward
the road. I stopped to get my sign, but it was gone. I exchanged small
talk with the rangers, but they didn't mention my sign or my having
been nude. That sign had seen better days anyway, so I decided to just
forget it and make a new one for my next trip.

Apparently they didnt have a problem with nudity, but they didn't like my sign laying there. (Maybe they thought it had been left behind by someone else and picked it up as trash.)

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