Canuding Enthusiasts

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Canuding on the river

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RE: Canuding on the river

Greetings All

I am back from the MidWinter Festival where I had a great time. One of the highlights, for me, is the canuding trip we take on the Loxahatchee river. This year there were about 10 of us on the trip with canoes and kayaks. It was a nice warm day; wonderful scenery with lots of alligators, turtles, and birds. Did not take my camera this year which probably was just as well. On the first portage point we came to going down river we decided to run the dam rather that portage to canoe. All was going well until the very end when the canoes tipped over. I lost one shoe, my towel, and the bathing suit that I had on to get to the canoe rental place. My lunch sandwich also got so wet that rather than eat it I decided to let the fish have it. I am looking forward to the trip again next year but maybe we will try a kayak.

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RE: Canuding on the river

Sounds great George. How did you manage to get the canoe back without your trunks?
I was on a trip with my kids and thought, no one will be coming into this lake at this late hour, so was set to portage to the (more public) big lake sans accoutrements when suprised by a dad and kid. He was very nice and went back to get some gear while I squirmed into my eight year olds' shorts. Tight squeeze!
If we get a summer as good as the winter we just had (in Canada), there should be lots of options for some good canoes! I don't live in a nudist resort tho, so companions are hard to come by!
Have fun out there, and tell us about your travels!

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RE: Canuding on the river

When I go on canuding trips I take a small plastic coated raincoat with me. I used to take it on SCUBA trips because I would not care if it got wet, but it would provide warmth if I got cold. When the canoe tipped over the raincoat floated (unlike my bathing suit that sunk) so I was able to retrieve it.

As there were not a lot of people (other than my friends) on the river that day I had no problem being nude (like they were) at the portage points but when we got back to the landing (where we had to be covered up) I just wrapped the raincoat around my waist and went back to the car.

Once I was back in the car I could ride back nude.

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RE: Canuding on the river

Yesterday went kayaking on Green River Lake in Central KY. Only hop skip and jump from my home. kayaked up Green River that partially feeds the inland Corp of Engineers' lake. Found my favorite gravel beach and had a little siesta since i worked the night before. Then paddled back with my dog against a headwind.

It is just I and my dog. Haven't found anyone close to join me.


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RE: Canuding on the river

Went out again today. Put in at Arnolds landing. The air was hot, the suface water was hot, I was HOT! Had to actually stop, get out, and swim in deeper water to get cool. Usually just splash a little water on myself. But the surface water was probably 90+ deg. humidity so High evaporative cooling was minimal. Of course went naked botht the dog and I. Went out running before the wind. So cut trip short to head back against a head wind. Misjudged and the trip was shorter than my usual. Tan is doing well!


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RE: Canuding on the river

I have just returned from the MidWinter Festival. I again enjoyed the field trip down (and back up) on a portion of the Loxahatchee River. We had about 28 of us. Most of us (me included) took kayaks. A great trip. The only bad part was when just before we got back to the rental place I had to put on a cold wet, piece of cloth

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RE: Canuding on the river

This year we did another canuding trip down the Loxahatchee
River. Because of the strong current we did not continue on to the Fla turnpike
as we did in the past, but turned around at the second portage point. A nice trip;
but tiring.

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