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Naked Kayaking in KY

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First Kayaking of the Year
I got the kayak out for the first time Wednesday. Donned my just barely legal split sided nylon running shorts with the liner removed, drove to a public ramp at the local inland lake and launched the kayak. One couple were fishing and a few kids were running about. I parked the truck, told Molly to get in the kayak. I headed up the river that feeds the lake. Around the first bend I removed the little skimpy shorts and spent the rest of the afternoon as God made me. I quietly approached a flock of Canadian Geese and took several photos. I wish I had my 400 mm lens and tripod. But, with the dog aboard, I dont take all my expensive equipment!
I found my favorite private sunning spot and rested for about an hour. I took a few photos there. Then paddled back and stopped at a little shoal. Took a few photos there. Then paddled back to home ramp. No one was there so I loaded the kayak in the truck still naked. The dog had rolled in the mud so I took her into the lake and washed her off. I donned by skimpy shorts for the ride home.
This is one of my favorite naked pastimes. It makes an idealic afternoon. And, I get some healthful sun, air, and exercise.
Didnt see another soul all afternoon. Was splendedly naked and enjoying the sun and dry spring air. It was gorgious. Im not sure exactly why but there were no bugs! Im not complaining.

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RE: Naked Kayaking in KY

Thanks for the story and the pictures. Isn't it nice to be clothing free out in the fresh
air and sunshine?

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