Canuding Enthusiasts

Do you enjoy canuding (canoeing nude)? Tell us where you have been and what experiences you have had. Have questions or want to know more? Here is the place to do so.

Introduction and Canuding story

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Greetings everyone
My name is George Winlock and one of the things I enjoy is canuding. I have been on a number of canuding trips. One of the trips that I really enjoy is going on the Loxahatchee River in Florida..
The Loxahatchee was named by the Seminole Indians and means River of Turtles. A fitting name for this scenic water with its abundance of wildlife. It is a slow moving river.
Travelling on it takes one back to pre-historic days. The mangroves and cypress trees provide a canopy and most of the time we saw few signs of civilization. It is easy to imagine early Indians and settlers canoeing on this river. On the trip you can also see osprey, vultures, river otter, herons, alligators, turtles, and even bald eagles.
It takes a little over three hours to make the trip from where the canoes are put in to the Florida Turnpike (one of the few signs of the modern world) and back. At two places one has to portage the canoes over small dams, but platforms had been built so that the canoes could be pulled up the ramp, across the platform and back down into the river. Because there are ladders and railings to assist those that might need help the trip is really easy. Also along the way are places where you could pull over and enjoy a picnic lunch.
Occasionally we have encountered people but usually they did not mind our being nude even after we offered to cover up.
My friends and I have been doing it for a number of year now and even though we take the same route each time we do so it is different.

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RE: Introduction and Canuding story

I nakak on the inland lakes of KY. I have a Kayak/canoe hypbird... essentially an open faced sit in kayak. I and my lab will kayak, both naked. I am also a nature photographer so when I don't take the lab will take the photographic equipment and get good nature shots. When Tired will take dog, kayak into secluded cove, and nap. The dog runs and plays and will announce any approaching visitors.
Tried to insert photo from my gallery but guess I don't know how. Visit there and see me and kayak.

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RE: Introduction and Canuding story

I attempted to insert a photo of my and my kayak but it didn't seem to work. Y'all can look in my profile pics

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