Catholic Nudists

A gathering of nudists who happen to be Catholic

Best wishes

I wish everyone a happy and holy Christmas and that 2022 can bring joy and overcoming the problems of recent times.

Latest PostHappy Nude year
by tvlguy61 
catholic nudist saints

Catholics actually have four saints they can consider as patron saints of nudists, even though they aren't officially recognized as being patron saints of nudists as of yet: Onuphrius, Peter of Athos, Macarius of Egypt, and Paul the Hermit. They...

Pope John Paul II as Patron Saint for Nudists

I've been promoting the idea of having St. Pope John Paul II as the patron saint of nudists. I've contacted AANR about this but they didn't want to go down this road. In researching patron saints I found that there are no formal...

Looking for friendship

Greetings to everyone. I'm Andrea from Italy, 58 years old, Catholic, nudist. I am looking for friends (women, couples, men) for dialogue and exchange of experiences. I will be happy to accept any friend request. for me, being naked is the...

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Happy to Have Found this Group

it is truly nice to know there are other Catholic nudists out there. There is nothing wrong with sharing our nudity with others. We get to see each other in our most honest way. Took me a while to get to this point of view, but am glad I came to it....

Always looking to hear from sincere nudists

Hello from Trav in New York. I am a 59 years old Catholuc nudist who enjoys making and meeting new nudist friends . I am looking for wholesome friendship. I have been a nudist since 1988 and really have come to love the spirituality of it. If anyone...

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Male Catholic Nudist - Irving, TX

Im a cradle catholic originally from FL, went to OU (87-91) and have lived in the Dallas area since 1993. Was married from May 1993 until December 2019. Ive been a home nudist my entire life and have ventured out to local nudist parks the last two...

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I wish you all a happy and holy Easter

Nighttime prayers

I say my nighttime prayers nude. Does God really care that I am not wearing a tie?