Catholic Nudists

A gathering of nudists who happen to be Catholic

The Solemnity of the Asention of Our Lord

Dear Group: My prayer is that everyone will have a Blessed Holy Day of Obligation the Sunday. Also, those members in the United States please have a Happy & Safe Memorial Day. A special thank you is extended from me to those who serve in the Armed...

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Ascension of our Lord

Dear Brothers & Sisters: This Feast & Holy Day of Obligation is coming up. Remember to mark your calendars. In the USA this Feast is usually commuted to the nearest Sunday on the week that it falls. I hope everyone is looking forward to Pentecost....

Everyone Welcome in Wisconsin

Dear Friends: My Bereavement Department Is hosting this ecumenical event and everyone is welcome to attend. This event requires clothing: When: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Where: Heritage Hill Historical Park Moravian Church 2640 S. Webster Ave. Green...

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Best wishes

I wish all members of the group a good and peaceful Sunday and a fruitful Lent

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According to the Roman calendar it begins the Advent and a new liturgical year. I wish you all happiness and serenity. I would ask all a prayer for me because I'm going through a very difficult time both personally and economically. I pray for...


I may get busy as Christmas is getting closer so let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year. I hope the new year will bring us all closer together and peace will reign more than violence. Dominus vobiscum,...

Regards to all

I'd like to say hello to the members of the group. I would like to chat or meet with others who have a similar faith but also believe that nudism is in keeping with our religious beliefs.

Buongiorno a tutti dall'Italia

Un caro saluto a tutti coloro che parlano Italiano che sono in questo gruppo. Sono Andrea da Reggio Emilia 53 anni. Cerco contatti e amicizie in Italia oltre che nel mondo del nudismo (in cui sono un principiante) anche per vivere insieme la fede...

Christians in China

Read a piece in the Wall St. Journal a few weeks ago about the growing number of Christians in China. By 2030 there will be over 200 million Christians in China making them the largest Christian nation. Take that godless hordes of communism!