Caught By The Neighbours

A group for exchanging views on 'what to do' when you just got caught by your neighbour nude in your own backyard.

story from years ago

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I live rural and have no other homes in view. So nude opportunities abound. I pretty well do everything in the backyard naked and depending on wind and time of day some things in my front yard along the rural road. Years ago the 1/4 mile up the road neighbor who knew about and was okay my nude habits was rough cutting the field between us. I was working in the backyard and waved to him. Then I did a quick streak out to the front flowed bed to move the garden hose. I had sort of listened for an approaching car but heard nothing. As I got out to where the hose lay I saw a group of 7 or 8 high school boys jogging by. I am 5 miles from the high school and the way the county roads are laid out they had to have jogged over 6 miles before they even got here. Not sure what they had done as a team to warrant such a long run ordered by their coach

I did a quick dash back to the house, but not before i heard one of the guys say " he was naked" I did sweat it for a couple of days, figuring that one of the boys would say something to a coach or a parent. But nothing ever came of it.
My mowing neighbor did mention it the next time i saw him.

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RE:story from years ago

I believe training runs of 10 miles or more are common for distance runners and cross country teams.
We live close to 2 colleges and the runners. while not nude, wear as little as possible.
Very short shorts, often split to the waist, and no shirts.

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RE:story from years ago

I believe that it is fairly common for long distance and Cross County runners to do training runs of 10 miles or more.
We live near two colleges and often see men running in very short shorts, often split to the waist, and shirtless.
While not nude, they are wearing as little as possible.

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RE:story from years ago

I'd be at more risk from walkers who insist on walking into and out of the bowl of our court, as it has a footpath around the perimeter. Walkers xan be extra stealthy!

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