Caught By The Neighbours

A group for exchanging views on 'what to do' when you just got caught by your neighbour nude in your own backyard.

Enjoying the heat in the nude

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In the warm weather I love to sit on my back patio under a beach umbrella, reading and drinking iced tea. I have dry skin and sitting out for an hour or so enables me to perspire and my skin loves it. My neighbor lady has "caught" me a couple of times when she mows her lawn or works in her back yard. I know that she sees me or at least is aware of me, but I'm not flaunting anything and she really can't tell whether I'm wearing something that is very brief. Unless she actually says something negative, which I'm sure she wont, I'll continue to treat my skin to the Alabama heat. If she wants to look, she is welcome to do so.

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RE:Enjoying the heat in the nude

I was told by the National Skin Institute when I was just about 8 years old that the best thing for my skin is the direct Sun light on over all of my body. I'm happy to oblige to there medical treatment.

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RE:Enjoying the heat in the nude

I had a vitamin D deficiency about 8 years ago, did a full check-up prior to going overseas. When we returned from holidays and the weather warmed up, my wife said, to get my gear off and get 15-30 minutes of sun at a time. Not sure she expected me to be totally naked but she laughed when she saw me, sadly didn't join me. I may have gone a little over the top from then on. We were out in our private backyard one Saturday evening and a woman neighbour from over the road came visiting. My wife invited her but she arrived early and came in the side gate. I sat side on when she appeared as my wife went to greet her.

Another day after my wife lost her battle with cancer the neighbour appeared, I don't think she had any ulterior motives, but caught me again, all is good we laugh about it when we see each other. She is topless in her yard a bit apparently, haven't witnessed it.

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RE:Enjoying the heat in the nude

I was told by the National Skin Institute when I was just about 8 years old that the best thing for my skin is the direct Sun light on over all of my body. I'm happy to oblige to there medical treatment.

Many years ago, we had an neighbor with a skin condition that required him to get a lot of sun, One day I came to his house for something and saw him sunning in a very brief swimsuit. He was very embarrassed and upset that I saw him.

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RE:Enjoying the heat in the nude

Funny how people react to being free. They dont mind or they get upset. We all have the same nude bodies. Just a little different than each others.

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RE:Enjoying the heat in the nude

We are naked most every day here at home, just like now. It's summer here and our temps are up in the high 80's - mid 90's throughout this time of year. I thoroughly enjoy the heat and being naked in the heat. I like doing yard work, periodic maintenance and laying out in the sun. My wife doesn't much like the heat and she needs to limit her sun exposure. She will lay out with me under an umbrella occasionally.

We've been seen/caught by the lawn maintenance guy, the pool guys, the pest control guy and even a neighbor wondering back in the back yard. They are apologetic but once they've seen you, it doesn't make sense to run and hide. My wife will wonder over to her cover up and put it on, I don't cover. Sometimes it embarrasses those seeing us that I don't automatically cover. What's done is done.

Our next-door neighbors have seen us naked too many times to count. Initially, I stood in such a way that I shielded my nudity but nowadays, they've seen us so many times, I can stand comfortably at the fence and speak to them. They don't seem bothered. I think many of these people wish they were as bold or comfortable with themselves to live as we do. Especially in the heat!

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