This group is here for the people who have been caught naked in public or by an unexpected person.

Surprised this morning

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As a kid I was caught by my parents several times and each time I was punished. They were and still are completely against any type of nudism. As an adult, because of my upbringing, I worried about getting caught. I've been seen many times at resorts or beaches and that isn't a problem. You can see by my picts, I don't mind being seen nude, just not in the wrong place. Today I was out in a bird sanctuary which has a 1 mile trail. I can see most of the trail at any time and when necessary, I cover up. Today there was no one else in the area and I was able to hike it all nude. However, even though I kept a watch for a new person, I missed the person running behind me on the boardwalk until it was too late to cover up. Having thought this out in the past, I kept walking and held my shorts in front of me. I said good morning and he waved as he kept running. There were no problems. It is this website that gave me the courage and understanding to not panic when someone spots me nude in a place that is not clothing optional.

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RE:Surprised this morning

when I hike I carry a small shoulder bag and wear a tan pair of short so that when I get nude and hike a trail I lay the shorts over the bag. and not fool proof I've had a few come out of nowhere while i've been hiking nude and not much I can do but if I see someone in the distance I can put on my shorts they sorta match my skin tone . my view is never look guilty nor apologize a few times i've just explain i'm a nudist and more comfortable hiking nude.

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