This group is here for the people who have been caught naked in public or by an unexpected person.

Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

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Yesterday morning before work I decided to go out in the backyard naked and take a few playful pictures in my wife's garden to post on this site.

Shortly after I started my workday and had a meeting, and then had to run out to a physical therapy appointment. As I may have mentioned I have been working to recover from a shoulder injury for a few months now.

My physical therapist is sweet, awesome, professional, and friendly, and has been helping me a lot. Towards the end of our session she was assembling the list of exercises for me to work on for the next three weeks. I was having trouble getting one of the exercises down so she asked me to turn the camera on on my phone and she would make a short video of me performing the exercise correctly so I would have that to refer to.

I opened my camera and selected video mode and realized to my horror that in the bottom corner of the screen there is a small thumbnail of the last picture that was taken which of course was of me naked in the backyard. We were out of time, and her next client was waiting so there was some pressure, and while she was sitting right in front of me I went in and started frantically deleting photos in the hopes that the thumbnail would disappear. Unfortunately I realized that my camera had been in multi picture mode and so there were fifty or more pictures that I would have to delete to get the thumbnail to disappear. I realized that was not possible and didn't know what to do.

Thinking fast, I reasoned that the thumbnail is pretty small and she probably wouldn't pay much attention to it if she started the video right away. So I handed her the phone and attempted to cover the photo in the corner with my hand. Unfortunately, as she took it her thumb must have hit exactly the wrong place because she gasped out loud, covered her mouth, and then started laughing.

She sat there for a few seconds laughing and her face turned red, and she handed me the phone back and said you probably want to fix this. I took the phone back and realized that there was now a full screen image of me completely naked in the backyard holding an enormous cucumber up next to my little guy. Its the picture I posted to my account yesterday.

I was completely embarrassed and apologized profusely, and I'm sure my face was even more red than hers. I set the phone back to video mode and let her make the video of me performing the exercise and it's funny because in the video the phone is shaking and I can hear her continuing to laugh even though it's obvious that she's trying not to.

This was completely accidental and something I tried hard to prevent. I guess Im glad that her reaction was laughter- Im sure she could tell how humiliated I was. Wondering what she thinks of me now, and how awkward our next meeting will be...

Be careful out there!

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

Phone photos and videos are probably the biggest trap for those trying to be clandestine on some level. I haven't played much with my phone's photo gallery settings but did get as far as moving some to a dedicated group with the intention of obscuring it's pirpose. It's thumbnail subverts that totally for the time being. :-)

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

Wow, what an experience for you!

I haven't been exposed that way, yet, but close! I have to be very careful when sharing my phone with others for that exact same reason. I do move my naked photos to a different folder but I don't do it right away. I have had to quickly turn my photo in a different direction to overcome it.

I guess for those of us who take lots of naked photos, or receive them, it's just a matter of time.

I know you're proud of your cock before, so keep being proud of it. It is wonderful and a work of nature! Love it!

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

I know it's too late now, but a quicker way to get rid of the naked thumbnail in the corner of your camera screen would've been to just take a quick picture so a new thumbnail would be the latest photo. Granted, type PT could've still accidentally tapped into your gallery. The foolproof way to prevent her seeing anything is to just leave the phone locked and open your camera from the lock screen. That's what I always do, but I have an Android phone with that flexibility. Maybe iPhone can't do that yet.

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

Too funny!
Thanks for sharing and just join us for a laugh.....
Something similar happened to me while I was feeling frisky laying in the sun next to the pool.
I decided to take a few pics of the happy moment. Around the corner walks the utility man catching me read handed......
I can be pretty shy but quickly figured what the heck.... He's a guy too, he understands and just started laughing. It was then funny of his embarrassment and I laughed more as he stumbled for words.....

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

I live in the country and during the day typically have the regular door open and the glass storm door closed. No one ever stops by without calling-well until recently. First I was caught by my brother and a friend of his knocking on my door. There was no way to conceal my lack of clothes. Move forward a week, in pops my nephew. Oh yeah still no clothes on. He comes from a very conservative (repressed) shall we say shy family. Caught again! Sunday up rolls a preacher from a local church. Bang caught again. Yesterday I was taking a leak outside and had not noticed two men from the power company ready to cut trees down! Hopefully the word is out now. Dont come without calling unless u want to see me naked!!!

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

Thank you!

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

I know you're right about not unlocking the phone, but frankly I panicked and was not thinking straight.

Funny that I am so nude positive, but I really did NOT want to offend my therapist, or have her see me in what could be considered an embarrassing situation...

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

Move your photos to the secured folder, if you are an android user. Make sure to do that right after you take the photos as the camera folder's pics are saved to the cloud by default when wifi is on.

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

Should I say congratulations for a job well done? LOL. As for my experience... I used to live abroad and decided to download the app that's called WatsApp so that I can make internet calls, video call and even sending text for free using the Internet connection. I have a very good friend that I have been exchanging text and calling each other at least once a week. A few months ago, he stopped calling me and I was wondering why. I just thought maybe he is just busy at work as I am also very busy with my new life here in the US. Finally, when I got the chance, I decided to text him and see how is he doing. So I opened the text messaging on my whatsApp and started checking our last chat. To my horror, I saw that I accidentally send him a total frontal nude photo of me that I meant to sent to a nudist friend via the same app. I was shocked and embarrassed and I didn't know what to say or what to do. So, I pretend that I didn't know what happened and decided to text him and say our usual hi and hello, how are you doing? He responded that he got busy and that never mentioned about the photo nor I mention it as well. We got back to our usual routine of texting and calling each other. He just called me yesterday to catch up. We never discuss about it as if nothing happens. He is a muslim and I'm sure it is not good for his belief to see someone naked lol. oh well...shit happens lol.

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RE:Caught naked yesterday in a very embarrassing way

I guess I am in the same club here. Talk about a scramble to cover a big screen. I was at the drug store getting a print made of a safe-for-anyone photo. I needed some assist because I hadn't used that equipment before. So the staff stood behind me guiding the upload when suddenly the naked pics from my "hidden" folder showed up as thumbnails on the big screen where you choose the pic you want printed. There is no way that folder should have opened (it requires face recognition or pin to open it on the phone). So I was feverishly trying to shield the screen from view and the young woman helping me looked a little shook up from my reaction; I'm not sure she even saw them, the thumbnails are pretty small and my elbow suddenly got really big. I use that store a lot, but not sure I'll be making prints there again. Naked pics usually are removed from my phone to a flash drive pretty quickly (30 years worth of pics), I guess I'll have to be more attentive to that. Yikes.

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