Caught Naked
An active group for those who care to share their stories about being caught naked. I know I have had moments where I forget Im even nude and go in and out of the house, answer video calls all or forget you cant just be nude when visiting people. Another group (Caught nude/naked) does not have an active moderator so I created this group for us to share and have an active member. Hope you enjoy...
When I was working from home I would routinely catch some naked sun in my backyard at lunch time which was pretty secluded. One day I was face down bare ass up and heard my neighbor pull their car in. Not thinking anything out of the normal I went...
Several years ago, I was invited to go camping for a four-day weekend. I was a newbie with this camping group of my two friends, and it was my first time camping with them. The group of about thirty people camped every year at different remote...
On a warm fall afternoon, I was visiting a nudist friend that I had known for many years. It was such a beautiful day, we decided to take a hike in the woods with his dogs to get some fresh air and see the brilliant foliage. It wasnt a planned naked...
Over thirty years ago when my wife and I were first married, we weee up in north Georgia at a family vacation home for a week. We had another couple that had a family home near by on a large lake and a small boat. They picked us up at a dock and ran...
Yeah I agree it's a shame so many people are so uncomfortable with you today I'm sure both of us that are nudists I probably been caught caught many times with and met with varied results it's a shame how hung up people are
The second time I was caught was in my home. My nephew would take my truck for a little detailing and I would give him some spending money. One Saturday morning I had just gotten out of the shower and was sitting in the sun room watching some tv. My...
Driving a truck naked for hundreds even a thousand miles youd think Id be seen more than I am. First off no one can see up in the rig except other truckers, seldom they notice unless parked at the truck stop. Im so use driving naked, I have gotten...
This happened years ago in our old home in Phoenix. We stayed nude at home all the time there, the heat was so high. Anyway we close the front curtains and relax at night to watch tv. We were enjoying the evening and I heard something from the side...
On rare occasion, I get to drive across the country alone. I always spend a part of these drives without clothes on. A few years ago, I started an overnight road trip from Denver to St. Cloud. I got on the road and pulled off to strip as soon as I...
So lately since its been colder I have been starting my runs on the trails wearing a hoodie, gloves and beanie. No pants of course. I jog about a mile or mile and half and once Im warm enough I take off the hoodie and finish the run naked. A few...