Caught Naked

An active group for those who care to share their stories about being caught naked. I know I have had moments where I forget Im even nude and go in and out of the house, answer video calls all or forget you cant just be nude when visiting people. Another group (Caught nude/naked) does not have an active moderator so I created this group for us to share and have an active member. Hope you enjoy...

Ticked off textile

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The second time I was caught was in my home. My nephew would take my truck for a little detailing and I would give him some spending money. One Saturday morning I had just gotten out of the shower and was sitting in the sun room watching some tv. My nephew had apparently texted me that he was coming to get the truck and since, being much older and not connected to my phone, I had not checked it, and not seen the text. Suddenly he's at the doorway right in front of me in all my glory. His face said it all as he turned and walked through the kitchen in to the living room. Ticked off!! I pulled on some pants and went in to the living room. He looked at me and said "I sent you a text." I replied calmly "Unlike you younger folks, I am not tied to my phone. If I don't answer you, I haven't seen it." He just took the keys and left.

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RE:Ticked off textile

I have been a home nudist for over 20 years. I used to live in a suburb of the city, quiet, low key, and used to enjoy naked time in the gym locker room with a friend who is straight and married. He lived near me, and when he would call before coming over, it was his signal for me to put clothes on. I fnally told him I would stay nude, and he got in my face about his wife not liking that. So I told him to stay home. I am not going to stop being comfortable to prevent his wife from being uncomfortable - makes no sense. The friendship didn't last, and the gym buddy dumped me. But hey, I am still nude and glad he showed me his true colors.

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RE:Ticked off textile

I understand that common courtesty dictates that a man shouldn't be intentionally naked in front of a woman nor in front of minors (at least in the US due to liability issues). I don't always like or agree with it, but respect it.
However, if a man is caught naked in front of another man, particularly without any sexual behavior, this is usually a sign of one thing: homophobia. The problem is how young men in particular have sexualized penises to imply sexual intent by the mere fact that they're uncovered. It's sad that a married man could feel so restricted by his wife as to not to wish to be around other naked men in a nonsexual setting. It's also sad for a nephew to be offended that his uncle has a penis, less mature than a grade school boy laughing about it in any case.
You're both right not to exercise the right to not cover up for other men in your own home.

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RE:Ticked off textile

I had just the opposite experience with my nephew. I've been living as a full time nudist for 7 years. My nephew had seen me nude a couple times while visiting and when he got his driver's license, he came over to hang nude with me as often as he could. Summers after his junior and senior years in high school, he got a job nearby and lived with me. He's now 21 and still loves to come hang nude, and even brings his friends.

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RE:Ticked off textile

Unless his wife told you directly that she did not appreciate your being nude in front of them, it is possible your friend was lying and actually didn't like his wife seeing you nude (on account that it made him jealous that she would appreciate your nude appearance). Several years ago, after moving to the PNW, I had a friend from my home-state come visit me. His wife came up to. They did not stay with me but we did hang out. On the first day that we met up, it was a very lovely early summer day. Given that summer doesn't show up in the Puget Sound until after the 4th of July, I thought nothing of it to remove my shirt when we arrived at a public park and walk around with my shirt off. My friend instantly took hold of his wife's hand and I could tell that he was somewhat uncomfortable. Mind you, this guy was tall and had a very athletic build. I kept my shirt off for a while and then later put it back on as we exited the park-trail. I had another incident during another point in time where I was jogging outside on a hot summer day and also had my shirt off. After my run, my older brother came out and expressed his anger, saying that his wife and mother-in-law might see me with my shirt off. So it's not always a woman's aversion to male nudity, but rather the insecurity of her male partner who may be surfacing the contempt for non-sexual nudity.

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RE:Ticked off textile

I had just the opposite experience with my nephew. I've been living as a full time nudist for 7 years. My nephew had seen me nude a couple times while visiting and when he got his driver's license, he came over to hang nude with me as often as he could. Summers after his junior and senior years in high school, he got a job nearby and lived with me. He's now 21 and still loves to come hang nude, and even brings his friends.

I think this is absolutely fantastic. After some of the locker room shyness and anxiety from young guys never having been nude after gym classes anymore and all the derision that can come up in discussions among boys and young men on seeing a naked person in an appropriate setting, I feel like there's a big barrier to younger people finding nudism. I suppose it was always there, really, but attitudes and acceptance seem to have shifted.

When I hear about an exception like this, I'm more hopeful that at least some young people know themselves well enough to at least give it a try, and hopefully to embrace it. Kudos to his uncle here, as well.

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RE:Ticked off textile

That sounds a lot like punishing you for being natural, because it may offend people. Like if women didn't dress provocatively, guys wouldn't want to agress them or take advantage of them. Teach people to take responsibility for their actions. Sounds like a them problem to me. Not your problem. There is a lot of that in society.

With my friend, personally he had a killer bod, well hung etc. I am in my house on my land. You called me, you're coming to my house, I am not going to change my way of living to suit you. If I go to your house, that is a different story.

Life is a two way street. People know I am nude at home. If they don't like it, then don't come over ..... AHHHH... Peace and Quiet :-)

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RE:Ticked off textile

Its really sad that people think that the naked body is a bad thing to see. You dont have to look or turn your head. How about closing your eyes and mouth !

But it okay to have the news talking about or even showing the planes crashing and a hundred people dying. War is ok to show and play games with at a little kids age ! But just the freedom of some one walking or relaxing in the sunshine is a jail sentence. Something wrong with this world.

Thank god that we dont have to live in a mindset as they do ! Freedom is so much better !

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