Caught Naked
An active group for those who care to share their stories about being caught naked. I know I have had moments where I forget Im even nude and go in and out of the house, answer video calls all or forget you cant just be nude when visiting people. Another group (Caught nude/naked) does not have an active moderator so I created this group for us to share and have an active member. Hope you enjoy...
Caught by the pizza delivery guy
Return to DiscussionsIt was one sunday afternoon and i'm just doing housework and I let out the dogs to go to the bathroom and soon after that I heard the dog spark, so I went to the door to see what they were doing and why they were barking, and there stood. Find my stairs to the deck. Is a pizza delivery guy with a couple pizzas and a bag? I went back in and grabbed a robe. He had a big smile on his face. He was at the right place. I explained to him after he told me the name. Where it was, and it happened to be my son that lived around the corner. What she told I caught your father stark naked which my son replied to him?Oh, that's no big deal.He's naked all the time