Caught Naked

An active group for those who care to share their stories about being caught naked. I know I have had moments where I forget Im even nude and go in and out of the house, answer video calls all or forget you cant just be nude when visiting people. Another group (Caught nude/naked) does not have an active moderator so I created this group for us to share and have an active member. Hope you enjoy...

Caught at a clothed camping

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I go on long nude hikes and come across other hikers, is that being caught?
I have been caught on a clothed camping while relaxing nude in my caravan.
It was a chilly day and had the door closed. Was doing the dishes with my naked butt to the door and someone form the camping knocked on the door and swung the door open before I could say something. I turned around and it was the owner of the camping. She got red but still told me there was a communal dinner in the cantine that evening.
I went there later and she got red again when I introduced myself but with a smile on her face lol

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RE:Caught at a clothed camping

Interesting how people get surprised by finding someone nude in their own vehicles.

But glad you went to the event

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RE:Caught at a clothed camping

Red or not, that smile tells ya she loved it !! (^_-)

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