Caught Naked

An active group for those who care to share their stories about being caught naked. I know I have had moments where I forget Im even nude and go in and out of the house, answer video calls all or forget you cant just be nude when visiting people. Another group (Caught nude/naked) does not have an active moderator so I created this group for us to share and have an active member. Hope you enjoy...

Camping with friends

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Several years ago, I was invited to go camping for a four-day weekend. I was a newbie with this camping group of my two friends, and it was my first time camping with them. The group of about thirty people camped every year at different remote locations and usually took over the smaller campgrounds.

It was a warm sunny day and because the three of us had gotten there later in the day the only camp site available was just off the main dirt road. We set up the tents, tables and canopies and I broke a sweat and sat for a minute to cool off and have a beer. I turned to my two friends and said, "It's just too damn hot! I gotta do this, let me know if you're uncomfortable". I stripped and they laughed, and it was no big deal to them they both had seen me naked at one point or other.

After about an hour or so, others started stopping by to say hello and introduce themselves to me and invite us to activities organized for that weekend and ask in general for help doing various tasks around the campgrounds. I gladly volunteered and asked if it would be okay to be nude on the campgrounds. Even though they thought I was kidding and they laughed and said yeah sure, knock yourself out, they were totally surprised when my friends and I showed up at the evenings cocktail hour and costume party. I wore beads and a hat and shoes.

After tons of laughter and more cocktails, the shock wore off and everyone just settled in and accepted me "the nudist" for the whole weekend. I spent the weekend educating most of them the difference between being a nudist and being an exhibitionist and/or a voyeur etc. and being sexually involved.

It's funny how some people equate nudity to sexuality. I advised them accordingly. The humor and jokes (sometimes at my benefit) were a great way to ease the tensions and increase the acceptance of my being the only one nude.

I hung out with that group for years until they disbanded. I encouraged others to join me. Some did, most didn't. I did however bring some of my other nudist friends and included them in the annual events. They were welcomed with open arms and we all had a wonderful time.

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RE:Camping with friends

What a great story!

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RE:Camping with friends

I have done this same thing with a group.
I would arrive nude to the camp site and set up my tent. Even help around the campground with other needs. Yes they did pick on me at first but at night around the camp fire they seemed to relax and join in on being free.
Well its been almost twenty years now and they all have joined in on the freedom of being naked. They even have relaxed during the daytime with special activities in the open !

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RE:Camping with friends

Great story thanks for sharing

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RE:Camping with friends

What a great story. Thanks for sharing it.

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RE:Camping with friends

That sounds like a great time. Too bad more folks didn't join you.

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