Caught Naked
An active group for those who care to share their stories about being caught naked. I know I have had moments where I forget Im even nude and go in and out of the house, answer video calls all or forget you cant just be nude when visiting people. Another group (Caught nude/naked) does not have an active moderator so I created this group for us to share and have an active member. Hope you enjoy...
surprised in the middle of the mountains. surpris en pleine montagne.
Return to DiscussionsOne summer day, I was walking in the mountains. Naked, of course. My little skirt in my hand (in case I came across a textile)
I had just climbed quickly on an isolated, steep path and I arrived at the very top, to reach a spring, the goal of my hike. The landscape was superb. It was very hot (it was the middle of summer and the sun was burning) even if I never sweat (yes), I was so hot that the sight of the water gushing in front of me already seemed refreshing to me. But the freshness came even more when I put my head under the jet, after having placed the little skirt on a stone.
I was splashing myself, my head under the jet, when a couple arrived and surprised me in my ablutions. When I raised my head, I was very surprised, of course. They did not seem embarrassed. We had a good laugh. I calmly put my skirt back on, and we chatted for a while, before going our separate ways.
Un jour d't, je me promenais en montagne. Nu, bien sr. Ma petite jupe la main (pour le cas o je rencontrerais un textile)
Je venais de monter rapidement sur chemin isol, escarp et j'arrivais tout en haut, pour atteindre une source, but de ma randonne. Le paysage tait superbe. Il faisait trs chaud (on tait en plein t et le soleil tait brlant) mme si je ne sue jamais (eh oui), j'avais si chaud que la vue de l'eau jaillissant devant moi me parut dj rafraichissante. Mais la fracheur vint plus encore quand je mis la tte sous le jet, aprs avoir dpos la jupette sur une pierre.
J'tais en train de m'asperger, la tte sous le jet, quand un couple arriva et me surprit dans mes ablutions. En relevant la tte, je fus trs surpris, videmment. Ils n'ont pas paru gns. On a bien rigol. J'ai remis calmement ma jupette, et nous avons discut un moment, avant de reprendre nos chemins respectifs.