Caught Naked

An active group for those who care to share their stories about being caught naked. I know I have had moments where I forget Im even nude and go in and out of the house, answer video calls all or forget you cant just be nude when visiting people. Another group (Caught nude/naked) does not have an active moderator so I created this group for us to share and have an active member. Hope you enjoy...

Caught naked, on a mountain, by 2 females

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10 years ago, in July 2014, I was visiting Palm Springs for a week of hanging naked by the pool and some hiking around in certain areas. I was traveling with my older nude Hippie Hollow acquaintance from Austin. One day, we took the first aerial tram up to the San Jacinto mountain station, and we took off on hiking the 5.5 miles up to the peak, shirtless. Anyone who knows me here, knows I like getting naked in nature, especially new places; it's titillating sometimes, and I like snapping photos of it. Anyway we were about one half mile, or a little more, into the hike, past the ranger station, and I saw a cool spot down below the trail, next to a big boulder, to slip my shorts off, and have my friend snap some naked pics of me on the mountain trail. So I had thrown my shorts off to the side, behind the huge boulder. His back was to the trail, as he was snapping pics of me. I spun around, so my back was to him, so he could get some shots of my back side. Well, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings up on the trail, and all of a sudden I hear him kinda whispering down to me, "Brian! They are right behind me!!" Brian!! He was referring to 2 females on the trail right behind him! So I darted to the side, behind that huge boulder and slipped my shorts on, and I came back up to the trail, all nonchalantly. lol At that point, I saw the two women, but they were further down the trail, not that close to us. Well, apparently they had gone back down the trail a little, in the direction they had come from. Retreated. So I didn't think too much of it. I thought I had escaped being seen. So we just proceeded down the trail like nothing, all normal, and we get to a junction by a couple small bridges. We stood there looking at the map, deciding which direction was the correct way to go, to head onward, up to the peak. And as we stood there, the 2 women had caught-up to us. And as I was looking at the map with my friend, the 2 women passed me, and the younger leaned over to me as I let them pass, and kinda softly told me, "Nice ASS!" lol I was like whoa! So they DID see me! So that confirmed it! :) I just said OH, well thank you. And still just played it all cool and didn't make a big deal of it. And nothing else really came of it. They headed off in the other direction at that junction in the trail. So anyway, that's one time when I've been caught naked outdoors all bare! Here's the 2 pics that my friend snapped in that moment, and the one of my back side, in particular, when my friend's back was to the trail, when he snapped it, and the view the women evidently saw, before backing back down the trail. :) These pics are 10 years ago, so I was a lot smoother and also younger looking there!


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RE:Caught naked, on a mountain, by 2 females

Looking good, as always. However, I like your furry chest pics.

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RE:Caught naked, on a mountain, by 2 females

You looked great then and you look really great now

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RE:Caught naked, on a mountain, by 2 females

Oh what a great idea for a location to hike naked. Or at least pictures ! My sister took us up there, but shes not a nudist.
But so many great places in PS to get naked at. Maybe next time I can get caught. Lol

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RE:Caught naked, on a mountain, by 2 females

Thanks for sharing. I wanted to stop and take naked pics when I hiked the Smokey mountains but I was with family lol it wouldnt have went over so well. Lol

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RE:Caught naked, on a mountain, by 2 females

She was close in her response. More accurately, she should have said "The BEST ass."

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RE:Caught naked, on a mountain, by 2 females

Great story. At least they enjoyed the view. I guess it couldve gone the other way.

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RE:Caught naked, on a mountain, by 2 females

Great story and good quality pictures! I love the dappled lighting.

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RE:Caught naked, on a mountain, by 2 females

I really enjoyed your story, glad you had a good result. I've dropped trou many times on trails too, all that remote nature practically demands nakedness. I encountered an older British couple in an area that I thought was too remote for anyone to be hiking one time. I apologized and tried to cover but they waved and said "no worries, hiking naked is the new thing". On the other hand, they didn't comment on my ass LOL. In your case, I agree with the whispering woman--you have a great ass...

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