Caught Naked

An active group for those who care to share their stories about being caught naked. I know I have had moments where I forget Im even nude and go in and out of the house, answer video calls all or forget you cant just be nude when visiting people. Another group (Caught nude/naked) does not have an active moderator so I created this group for us to share and have an active member. Hope you enjoy...

On a warm fall afternoon, I was visiting a nudist friend that I had known for many years. It was such a beautiful day, we decided to take a hike in the woods with his dogs to get some fresh air and see the brilliant foliage. It wasnt a planned naked hike; being warm for fall, we both had on shorts, a heavy sweatshirt, and hiking shoes. We chatted as we hiked through the woods admiring the color of the foliage and caught up on each others daily lives. After about 15 minutes, we arrived at a clearing surrounded by some towering power lines. The sun was shining down bright and it was a pretty spot. I took out my phone to take a few pictures.

Without really focusing on my friend, I turned around to see him goofing around naked and asking me to take his picture. LOL! While this didn't surprise or shock me, I did voice some concerns about the legality of nudity in an area not designated for it. He reassured me that he had never encountered anyone there during his years of dog walking. So, when in Rome, right? I joined in by shedding my sweatshirt and shorts, embracing the freedom of being naked in the woods like my friend. We were attempting to balance the phone on a tree stump to set the timer and capture a photo of our escapade when we heard the sound of something or someone nearby.

Honestly, we anticipated spotting a deer or some other woodland creature. As the rustling sounds approached, growing louder and more distinct, we became convinced it was another person. Everything unfolded rapidly; our clothes lay strewn haphazardly all around, leaving us no chance to dress before the source of the noise emergeda fellow male hiker, fully dressed from head to toe. His gaze lingered on us with a curious expression, though it lacked any hint of alarm. I've read stories in various places about being discovered in such situations, often described as surprisingly casual and unperturbed.

Remaining unexpectedly calm, we mentioned that it was difficult not to appreciate the warm autumn sun and the beauty of the location while being nude, and that we were just about to take a picture. Our new hiking companion offered to assist us and took a few photos, chuckling before handing the phone back. He then sat down, befriended the dogs, and chatted with us for around 10 minutes. Eventually, he got up, smiled, wished us a good day, and continued on his way.

Neither of us was eager to get dressed again, but we were in a place where clothing was generally expected. We reflected on how some people are unfazed by nudity, while others react with shock. It was a relief that the other hiker we encountered didn't seem to mind at all, yet we could have just as easily run into someone less understanding. The term "caught" might suggest we were doing something wrong, which wasn't the case. We were just enjoying the sun and having fun, albeit without clothes.

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RE:Textile Hiker

That's a great story! I would love to hike nude but where ever I go there are too many hikers and bikers.

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RE:Textile Hiker

nice story, could be fun!

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RE:Textile Hiker

Great story. This has been my experience when meeting textile hikers while freehiking. You are right that "getting caught" implies wrong-doing - and it's not wrong, unless it's illegal and considered "wrong".

Thanks for sharing the story.

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RE:Textile Hiker

Great story! I've been caught a few times in places that were not sanctioned as clothing optional. Never a negative reaction. As long as you are not being lewd, it seems folks are accepting and have a cool story to tell at dinner.

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RE:Textile Hiker

Dont blame you for enjoying the wonderful last days of fall. Its been a long time since I have seen that many trees. Desert of Arizona has a lot different types of landscape, but not many spots like you were talking about.
Plus meeting someone that was comfortable with your nudity. Plus the two of you enjoying your time together.

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RE:Textile Hiker

Such a GREAT adventure you two had. I have been what some others say "caught", but like you two, I wasn't CAUGHT, I was just seen nude by someone who was NOT.
I have always enjoyed hiking nude, and especially driving nude, up into the mountains of western N.C. where I live.
Last summer, I stopped at a place up in the Pisgah national Forest, where I had stopped and hiked naked before, and walked off on the forest service trail, that had a locked cross bar gate at it's beginning, thus not allowing any vehicle traffic to drive up, and thru this beautiful area.
I hiked in about a mile, and stopped at a place on the road, where a tree had fallen across the road, to enjoy the cold bottle of water I had brought with me.
I was so enjoying the feeling, and freedom of being nude in nature, that I decided to stretch out on the fallen tree, and absorb the sun and breeze, on my bare skin, and no more had I laid down than, I heard the rustle of some leaves, and thinking it was some type of squirrel, or rabbit, and when I kept looking around, approaching me from about 50 feet or so was a young man pushing a mountain bike.

He seemed surprised to see me, especially nude, but he did stop to chat and asked me right off the bat...."where are your clothes"?

I explained to him my love of nudism, and of being a nudist for many years, and that I enjoyed being nude, wherever, and whenever I could be, and I hoped that I wasn't offending him, by me being nude.

He was quite accepting of me being nude, and not having any guilt about being seen naked, which I certainly appreciated.

After 10 minutes or so of just chatting, he said goodbye, and rode off down the hill. I asked him "WHY NOT JOIN ME".....and he said he might have to give it a try sometime.

It's funny, how some, if not most people are so taken back by seeing a stranger nude.

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RE:Textile Hiker

Such a GREAT adventure you two had. I have been what some others say "caught", but like you two, I wasn't CAUGHT, I was just seen nude by someone who was NOT.I have always enjoyed hiking nude, and especially driving nude, up into the mountains of western N.C. where I live.Last summer, I stopped at a place up in the Pisgah national Forest, where I had stopped and hiked naked before, and walked off on the forest service trail, that had a locked cross bar gate at it's beginning, thus not allowing any vehicle traffic to drive up, and thru this beautiful area.I hiked in about a mile, and stopped at a place on the road, where a tree had fallen across the road, to enjoy the cold bottle of water I had brought with me.I was so enjoying the feeling, and freedom of being nude in nature, that I decided to stretch out on the fallen tree, and absorb the sun and breeze, on my bare skin, and no more had I laid down than, I heard the rustle of some leaves, and thinking it was some type of squirrel, or rabbit, and when I kept looking around, approaching me from about 50 feet or so was a young man pushing a mountain bike.He seemed surprised to see me, especially nude, but he did stop to chat and asked me right off the bat...."where are your clothes"?I explained to him my love of nudism, and of being a nudist for many years, and that I enjoyed being nude, wherever, and whenever I could be, and I hoped that I wasn't offending him, by me being nude.He was quite accepting of me being nude, and not having any guilt about being seen naked, which I certainly appreciated.After 10 minutes or so of just chatting, he said goodbye, and rode off down the hill. I asked him "WHY NOT JOIN ME".....and he said he might have to give it a try sometime.It's funny, how some, if not most people are so taken back by seeing a stranger nude.

Great story yourself! It's intriguing how society instills in us a sense of being "caught" in our natural state of nudity. I appreciate your phrasing, describing an instance where you were seen unclothed by someone who simply wasn't in the same state. It's peculiar how societal norms can instill shame in us for something so inherently natural. Feeling embarrassed by our nakedness is a learned behavior, and it's commendable that nudists either never internalized this feeling or have managed to unlearn it. As many have pointed out, if one's actions aren't inappropriate, why should it matter? I often ponder whether those we've encountered while unclothed are curious about the liberation that nudity offers. Do they secretly yearn to embrace the joy and contentment that comes from connecting with nature in such an unencumbered way? I commend those individuals who are fully clothed, for their remarkable ability to stay calm and composed. Even when faced with the unexpected presence of someone who happens to be unclothed, they show no signs of alarm or hesitation. I respect their choice to wear clothes; in fact, I admire their grace and poise in navigating such unusual encounters.

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RE:Textile Hiker

These are great stories, and in the few instances that I have encountered others when I was hiking nude, I mostly had similar reactions. But the one time a woman, hiking with her husband and adult child glared at me it left me more apprehensive about it happening again and causing me a problem. I should probably go with the odds, I love nude hiking and one bad encounter shouldnt be such a deterrence. Thanks for the reports, guys.

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