Young Certified Members USA

A group for genuine & certified young nudists under the age of 35 in USA looking to make friends around the same age. As we all know, it can be hard to meet young nudists who are genuinely interested in creating new friendships and meeting up. It would be great to have a group where we can converse, share stories and arrange outings at beaches, houses and retreats etc.

Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

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This is a question for anyone who has visited a nudist club or resort. Are you less inclined to go because of the lack of fellow nudists close to your age?

From my experience visiting the few nudist clubs in the Midwest, I am by far the youngest person there by a long shot. While I am able to chat and connect with other nudists well above my age, there are always generational differences that stick out and I often find myself wanting to chat and engage with someone my age in their 20s even early 30s. I am not sure of the demographics of the members and visitors of the clubs on the coasts and outside of the midwest, but the ones here are dominantly retired and they cater mostly to the older generation. I have yet to see any of the clubs curating events encouraging younger nudists to come out. Don't get me wrong, I will stop by a club or resort if I am traveling nearby and escape for a bit but the lack of nudists close to my age has deterred me from making trips dedicated to visiting a resort or even considering to seek membership at any club.

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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

I wish my woman would be willing to try it but she really likes to dress up

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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

I have been going to clubs/resorts since I was 19 and it has never deterd me, now it is true that sometimes as you say the demographics are more older but it has never bothered me. Usually folks are friendly enough. I've never had problems socializing with others. As we all go for the same thing to be nude for one thing. Another thing I will say to go to when there will be lots of young folks at least that I have seen is the 5k's.

But in these times who knows.

We will have to wait and see.


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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

I think for me it is an issue, it's just more comfortable to have other people of similar age there.

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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

There Are always going to be more older people because you become less worried about what others think as you age. One thing people really dislike, however, is being castigated and maligned simply for being middle aged.

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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

There Are always going to be more older people because you become less worried about what others think as you age. One thing people really dislike, however, is being castigated and maligned simply for being middle aged.

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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

Funny that this appeared because I received a similar request via FB and I got turned down because I am slightly older than their agr bracket and I am single. They said I can get approved if I wasnt single. I thanked them for the suggestion, but relationships dont just happen that way.

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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

I agree with you. I'm single and I get looked as an old "troll" so I guess people don't want to know or understand why I'm single. I guess I prefer private invited social events where its people that I know and maybe a few new invitees

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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

Thanks for putting in a word for us single guys, emdub!

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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

That is exactly why I avoid nudist resorts. Most are actively anti-single male and treat you like some kind of sex pervert for even wanting to attend as a single male. I much prefer nude beaches where everyone is welcome and free.

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RE:Lack of Young People a Nudist Clubs

Its a two part problem, when it comes to resorts. Part one is during the week, most younger people are at work and cant go. So they are stuck to all wanting to come on weekends. Part two, a lot of places limit how many single males that arent members can come on a single day. So if many who might want to come, dont bother if they feel its a waste of travel.

Not saying the stereotype doesnt have people who fit, but stereotypes in general are harmful on helping grow the lifestyle. Plus harder to find nudist friends and possible partners when you feel like an outsider to your own lifestyle.

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