Chasing The Sun In Sacramento

Hello, I just joined this site and it looks like dismal returns here. Really I was hoping to meet a great group of friends. I'll take the reigns. Join and let's make plans to lay out, socialize, meet new and interesting people, feel good, and what not. I apologize if your admin-to-be does not have a profile picture. Sorry, it's an HR thing. May the winds be at your back, the dice be...

cmen in july??

going to my first cmen event in july with a friend has anyone else gone before or giung to this event??

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Campout/Social at Laguna del Sol

The River Dippers, our local non-landed club in Sacramento, is currently contemplating a camping and social event at Laguna del Sol. It will be either on the first or second weekend in June. People will make their own reservations, but I'm...

NudeStock at Laguna del Sol

Spending the weekend at Laguna del Sol......having a great nude experience....Alex

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Adding to the problem

So, it has been two months since I started this group. I have been quite the poor host. No pictures, no discussions, no events. Have you ever seen a rocket fail to launch? Well you just did. In the mean time I have made my way to Auburn. I got lost,...

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