Chat Room Mod Appreciation Group

Show your support for out wonderful chat room mods who have the thankless job of moderating our website's chat and often are the target of a lot of bullshit..Let's show them we appreciate their hard work!

Moderators and Rules

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Lately I have been asking a lot of questions about moderator rules. There are, as well know "good' mods and 'bad' mods. And before we go further yes they do a great job, but honestly some of them. It's a bit much. Im not naming names but I've asked a number of them about 'do mods have rules' and the answer from some has been 'no' to 'we got guidelines'. Fair enough. but when you are told to shut up and stop asking questions, then there is a bigger issue in place. Why do the moderators not have public rules that we can all see? it seems that if you challenge them or say anything 'against' them it causes a lot of pushback.
to be in the Chat room we (those who chat) have to follow rules. Mods, should have some sort of published rule base that we can all see as well. on Saturday I signed in and said hello in the room, only to be kicked out by a moderator who once told me to stop asking questions and essentially 'shut up'. is that right? no. should that go on ? No. Is the question legit? yes it sure is. I also found out through a friend I'm on a 'mod kick list' because Im a 'mod basher' So much for free speech and opinion.. So 'valued' by all.
I've been on this site for 4+ years and semi closed my account and took down all my pictures. Sadly this site could be so much better if it was run properly with some basics. No the wild west , ever mod for himself attitude some have.
I would like to propose that the site owner just get some basic rules up for us all. Chatters and moderators. And have perhaps a mod nomination process and yearly review. Sort of a community commitee to help keep things running better. I really like this site, i care about nudism, but i care more that we have a nice safe, fun place to chat with common and open rules.
Just my 2 cents. - Hipchicklet

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RE:Moderators and Rules

Yep this is a problem still. CplMoe71 is one that makes up his own rules and bans you for liking photos with no sexual intention.

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