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Illinois Beach State Park
Return to DiscussionsYears ago, nudity at IBSP in Zion was not uncommon, but it had gotten to be a cruising site, and was cracked down on hard (mostly by enforcing the rules about going off trails -- made it harder for honest naturist+naturalist folks like me to get pictures of some of the wildflowers).
Since then, there's always been a contingent of thong-clad men, and other nudity has been rare on the south unit -- I found secluded spots for sunning and discrete skinny-dips right on the beach in the north unit but those have lost their cover as erosion changes the beachfront year by year.
It appears that ranger patrols have been reduced (I'm guessing budget limits, especially with what they've had to spend after the last few years' storm damage). I've started to see a bit more flagrant nudity on the south unit (a topless woman this last sunday, a guy changing into his thong in full view of the beach). Especially further down the beach, it seems an opportunity to start colonizing the place again.
Sundays seem to be my best day to get there -- anyone else want to join me? Walk a mile south of the nature center, you might find me (but without a signal, you won't find me nude -- I'll see you coming).
- 12 years ago
I had other commitments today. How was it? Please tell us all about it. Anyone going tomorrow?
- 9 years ago
I had other commitments today. How was it? Please tell us all about it. Anyone going tomorrow?
Better than expected: It was certainly cooler by the lake, but the water didn't freeze my toes (that's all I got wet).The lake was nearly waveless: there was a tiny breeze from the east which is what kept the temperatures down, but not so much as to chill.
As with the last few years, the north unit has seen substantial erosion -- some areas that were 15 feet from the water are now 2 feet from the water. But I found a cozy cove to sun in for a while, leaving only because I needed lunch. The closest I saw other people were a couple blocks away.
I got to the south unit around 1:30. It was nearly empty. Once I got away from the trail, there were two couples near the far trail, dressed like it was an ordinary April (long sleeves etc.), and one guy in a red thong hidden in the grass (nearly stepped on him looking for a place for me to set up, before I saw him). For the rest of the afternoon, I enjoyed the sun, but because I was watching to see who might show up, half my face got more sun than the other.
Not this bad
- 9 years ago
Thank you for the report!!!
I went on Monday. Nice weather, a little buggy. The lake was like glass, no movement. Few people. Only one was sunbathing in a thong otherwise a couple of walkers. It was weird to see that they had burned all of the vegetation. Must be some kind of a prairie restoration thing.
- 9 years ago
sounds like sunday is going to be the day!
- 9 years ago
sounds like sunday is going to be the day!
Hope to see you there
- 9 years ago
Y'all missed another great day.Early it sucked: I got to the north unit before 11AM, and left by 11:30: The sun wasn't out and the wind off the lake was pretty nasty.After 12 the sun came out, the winds died down and shifted more west by south, and especially in the grass where you could get shelter from the breeze (and from surprised glances) it was quite nice.I was the only one out there I could see really enjoying the sun in the nature area (there were plenty on the main beach even when I left around 4:15). There were only maybe a dozen other people sighted the whole afternoon, most of them far away, almost all in jackets and long pants.
It's supposed to be nearly as warm today, but I can't make it out.
- 9 years ago
Friday forecast - 75, sunny and light wind from the south - now i have to figure out how i can get some time away.
- 9 years ago
Heading to the nature center now!! Hopefully no bugs.
- 9 years ago
Thursday forecast, 72 degrees and partly cloudy but wind from west...
- 9 years ago
How has it been up there?
- 9 years ago