The Chicago Fun Club is the largest non-landed social nudist group in the midwest. Founded in 2009, we have had hundreds of events across Chicagoland. You can also find us at www.chicagofunclub.com

King Spa in Niles

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I know the nude areas are gender specific. But they are a lot of fun.

Any one else like to go to King Spa in Niles?

I love to go with my boys. Any one else curious and want to meet there?

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RE: King Spa in Niles

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RE: King Spa in Niles

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RE: King Spa in Niles

I never really had an amazing social nudism experience until a couple friends of mine and me went to King Spa last week, then we all had to go again last night! It's just an amazing place. If anyone ever wants to meet up with my friends and me, I think we're going to make a regular thing of it on Monday nights after work. The more the merrier! Send me a message if you want to be friends on this site or if you'd like to meet up at King Spa.

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RE: King Spa in Niles Greattttttt

Great Place & the common areas are CoEd w Robes. Who / When wants to go??????????????

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RE: King Spa in Niles Greattttttt

Great Place & the common areas are CoEd w Robes. Who / When wants to go??????????????Ping me next time you go, I might be in!

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RE: King Spa in Niles Greattttttt

Most areas of the place are co-ed and you must wear a uniform (not a robe) that they give you: very comfortable thick cotton shorts and t-shirt.Before going into the co-ed areas, you must strip nude, put your shoes in a locker and the rest of your clothes in a second locker, both of which are secure and have a key attached to a bracelet you can put on your arm or leg, and you can also charge extra services or cafeteria items to the key.This is NOT a gay pick-up place. I'm gay and went with a bi friend and a straight friend, and neither of them thought there was anything sexual or untoward about the place. The place is very clean, and you can see people constantly cleaning the floors. You must shower before entering any of the nude sauna or hot tub or cold tub areas, and must shower before going into the co-ed dry saunas, theater, cafeteria and lounges.You can bring a laptop or cell phone with wi-fi into most of the co-ed common areas but cannot use them in the dry or wet saunas (probably would mess up the phone anyway).I've never been to a place like this before, you don't need to know anything before going. I was actually a bit nervous going and thought about it a year before forcing myself to go with some friends. I wish I hadn't wasted all that time. They are very polite, will take you on a tour of the place, they have signs and friendly assistants telling you what to do or answering questions.It was amazing. My whole body felt better, my skin was more clear for a week afterwards, and all my aches and pains disappeared, and I had a general feeling of well-being for a good couple days afterwards. It's only $25 to get in for up to 24 hours, and I highly recommend going with a buddy. It's a great bonding experience and a lot of nice places and opportunties to chat or just spend time with someone you like. They have free chess boards, papers and magazines, TVs and stuff, movie theater, comfortable leather recliners and couches... it's a great chill-out, get-away-from-the-stress-of-the-world type place, and you can spend a lot of time there nude with your friends or complete strangers. I would highly recommend going with a friend, at least the first time.I'm going to go there every Monday I have the chance for the rest of my life. lol. If anyone has any questions, wants to friend me, or meet me up there, please send me a message.Reviews of the place: Spa website: this post is helpful!

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RE: King Spa in Niles Greattttttt

Good detailed description. I normally go once a month and I plan to go on this Saturday afternoon. Hopefully if you register with Groupon, you'll catch a deal.

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