Chicago Western Burbs Illinois Nudi
Nude doesnt equal Crude. Looking to chat, meet, cam etc with other locals. I know your there but since we cant place a sign on Rt 53 near Woodfield Mall then we have to locate this way
Return to DiscussionsDo you hang with other locals? If so where/when? I have been to SunAura & Ponorosa in IN & do cam / chat with locals on YAH 00. What about you. Share your stories, what you are looking for etc & who knows someone might have the same views, experiences, etc or else we can learn from each other
- 14 years ago
there are some local nudist groups that occassionally get together (mostly in the city). but have also been to some rssorts in Ind. Hopeing to make it to Mazo this year
- 14 years ago
Any one know of a place in the west burbs that you can hang naked at.
- 14 years ago
How bout my place? :-) Pot-luck or progressive dinner maybe? Any ideas?
- 14 years ago
Give me details Always looking for more locals to hang with (PS) Be blunt what your expectations are I dont offend easily but I do know what I like & dont like doing too
- 14 years ago
We love going to Woodlot in Woodstock.
- 14 years ago
do you know if they allow single man there?
- 14 years ago
going to try woodlot today.
- 14 years ago
The Chicago Fun Club meets about once a month - sometimes in the city and sometimes at a farm out west of St. Charles. It is a fun group and many of the members are from the western and northwestern suburbs. you can find out more at if interested. Woodlot in Woodstock is pretty relaxed and yes, it allows singles to attend. It is owned by a retired Chicago cop named Eugene and is about 20 acres. You can also drive up Rt. 31 to near Lake Geneva, WI and go to Sun Ray Hills - a nudist resort with a large country place. Many people have found that to be accessible for people a bit more north. For those further south, Lake of the Woods in Valparaiso, IN is a great spot with friendly people and a nice pool and lake.
- 14 years ago
Hi ,
Did you ever have the Pot-luck dinner or lunch?? Maybe now that the weather is getting cold it would be time once again to ask who would like to enjoy a Pot-luck party. I know I would bring what ever is needed to fill out the party. Let me know , maybe if this goes over I would have one at my home.
- 13 years ago
Pot luck Tell me more
- 13 years ago