Christian Nudists

We gather together for fellowship. To share about our relationship with God To tell of how we work out being a Christian and a nudist in daily living. We see nudism as a positive expression of our God given sexual nature.

God created us nude

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In several occasion I said in some groups and I've wrote as a Christian it in my Profile: GOD CREATED US NUDE: IT'S A SIN TO WEAR CLOTHES. But often I got fierce reactions. Also by Christians. And I ask me, why. When its true, that God created us nude, and so a christian agree with that. What is wrong if I tell that. Naturely you have to wear protection parts in many Jobs or in winter. But in general you should try to be almost nude.
And the striving of every Nudist, Christian or non Christian should be being 24/7 nude everywhere. For God and our understanding as passional Nudists. Hope, one day is possible, being nude always, how God created us.

Any thoughts of you about this?

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RE:God created us nude

You are correct, we were and still are created nude. The problem is not being nude but the sin that permeates the world and our lives. It is interesting that Adam and Eve were nude from the beginning and never thought anything about it. Then the falland the fig leaves and Gods provided clothing from the sacrificed animal. Protective clothing is useful for sure. But for the world, clothing hides the body parts that can lead to lustful thoughts. Our society sexualizes everything making naturism even more difficult. We are essentially taught that nude equates to sex. I have been removing that bias but it can be challenging. Being nude in public is usually not viewed favorably and nudists are not mainstream. God may have made us nude but we messed up the plan and wont get there in this life. I wonder if the new heaven will be nudist friendly?

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RE:God created us nude

You are correct, we were and still are created nude. The problem is not being nude but the sin that permeates the world and our lives. It is interesting that Adam and Eve were nude from the beginning and never thought anything about it. Then the falland the fig leaves and Gods provided clothing from the sacrificed animal. Protective clothing is useful for sure. But for the world, clothing hides the body parts that can lead to lustful thoughts. Our society sexualizes everything making naturism even more difficult. We are essentially taught that nude equates to sex. I have been removing that bias but it can be challenging. Being nude in public is usually not viewed favorably and nudists are not mainstream. God may have made us nude but we messed up the plan and wont get there in this life. I wonder if the new heaven will be nudist friendly?

Thank you for your answer. As a Christian, you have to correct the fall by living like Adam did before the fall. The fact that clothing covers parts of the body that can create lustful thoughts is in the eye of the beholder and should therefore not be universally valid. Complete nudity should be the priority for nudists and Christians.
You should not adopt general sexualization either. Everyone should determine the intention of their own nudity for themselves. Equating nudity with sex is just stupid.
If nudity creates the effect of attractiveness, that is not questionable. God should not separate what wants to unite.
I really hope that nudism becomes mainstream again and that it becomes possible to be naked 24/7 and everywhere.
You are right, God made us naked and we messed it up. The new heaven must be 100% nudist friendly. I am sure God wants us to be naked and barefoot all the time and everywhere.
Christians should therefore not only be naked everywhere possible, but also carry this out into the world as a mission.
I am already naked (almost) everywhere and will continue to do so. I will push boundaries and be naked even where it is not allowed. To be closer to God and to express that I am a real nudist.

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RE:God created us nude

Yes you are correct there is alot of sin out there in the world but Jesus told us that nothing on the outside can defile man but only what is in man's heart can defile him. Mark 7:20-23, Jesus says that evil thoughts and actions come from the heart and defile a person. Not from the outside. I agree temptation from the outside can change a persons heart, but it is our choice and free will to give into those evil thoughts that defile us or keep us from sinning. God gave us free will it is up to each and everyone of us to make a choice to stay holy or sin.

I also agree that the world should desexualize nudity and lots of the sin may lessen. Like most things laws and such are a way to control the masses and the bad action of a few infringe on the rights of others.

We only have to follows God's law with no additions and subtractions. God gave us 10 commandments to follow and yet the church has created thousands of rules in order to control the masses. Follow the 10 ignore the rest I say and you will become closer to God as you worship him as he created you.

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RE:God created us nude

[...]God gave us 10 commandments to follow and yet the church has created thousands of rules in order to control the masses. Follow the 10 ignore the rest I say and you will become closer to God as you worship him as he created you.

Thats it. Let us worship him as he created us. So we should try being 24/7 everyhwere nude.

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