Christians Who Pray And Share

Active Christians who want to share their views on nudity, Christianity, and problems around the world. Most of the groups on this site are very dead. Christ never intended for us to set back and do nothing in times like these. So, if you are willing to share, pray for one another, and send prayer requests, then this is the site for you. If you don't want to share then don't waste our...

please pray for me. I am going through a no-contact separation. It was unexpected and sudden and I am left with confusion, depression, loneliness and every other emotion that goes with it. I am trying to keep my head on straight but it's very difficult especially alone at night. Prayer is much appreciated and needed! I have always loved her and never expected this in my wildest nightmares!

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RE:Need prayer!

Disclaimer: I am not a trained professional. Seek professional advice and services. Use emergency services sparingly. This advice is unprofessional and is not paid to be said. Read it carefully before acting upon it, and use discretion when you might believe any of this does not apply to you.

I mean this in a nice manner. You can get through these trials if you use your mind and do the right thing to get the right results. I know anyone can do it if they try. I know you are willing and are able to do it, so I know it will go well for you upon your use of the phone book and the correct professional services.

Consult with mental health and healthcare professionals and to have cordial contacts with government agency specialists in the field of social services relevant to each need of your individual case.

Seek Hospital advice in the emergency room only when in crisis, and Get help when you need it.

Talk to your doctor when you are in need and you think it is a medical crisis all the time when you see them inside a medical crisis. They could possibly help the best.

Find a divorce attorney to help guide you through separation or divorce when you feel ready to formalize separation or divorce.

If in financial or mental thought distress seek mental healthcare professionals who are paid by the government tax dollars or covered fully by medicare if you have medicare.

Helpline in the USA for emotional suicidal distress is 988. Only use it when you need it as it is a Federal Government program.

Check into local hospitals when you feel need to get psychiatric or endocrine or mental healthcare.

Breathing is the most important thing to being a living organism. Close your eyes for several seconds and take deep breathes whenever you are in pain or depression.

Counseling services are available. Look for them on Google or when possible.

Counseling services with a licensed professional are used for marriage and divorce counseling services and can be found on Google with the searches, "Psychological Trauma Counseling" and "mental healthcare for seniors" "Searching for Professional Divorce Attorney" and "Seeking Legal advice on divorce" and "Divorce and Separation Mental Healthcare Counseling in my area" on Google. Use Google sparingly for emergencies and if possible use the phone book.

Read the phone book. In Metropolitan areas, services are available in your area. Buy a phone book from the nearest large urban area phone code area in order to find access to services for your counseling and for process of separation or divorce here.

I hope that you may use good discretion. You are loved by someone. You are on our hearts.

Please don't do drugs. Stay alcohol free if possible and get counseling. You are loved by someone.

When in physical danger only should be the only time you use 911. When you need it, they are there in the United States, so only call 911 only when you truly need it.

Today is a great day that always has much to bring us to gratitude.

We are so helped by being a rich industrialized nation. Much of the positives are not available in other areas. There is much to be done, but people have resilience, and are raising their voices to speak about the work needed for the public good. That only happens in a nation that has accountability, which dictatorships do not have. America is not a dictatorship in 2024, or in early January of 2025.

Get help right away from the phone book, or the reliable website you can find. It is there for you and it is a very good thing once you search for it. Motivation is what keeps me going every day, and I can only share how much I have. It is up to each of us to remember the good that we have in ourselves so we do not fall into negative times. You can do well when you remember how good each of us has the potential to be toward each other.

There is not anything anyone cannot do within the laws of cause and effect under the laws of physics that anyone can imagine. Anything you do that makes sense according to the flow of time and the laws of cause and effect and the laws of time and physics and the distances made with needed energy to travel such distances is available for anyone to do anything they always have been able to do. When you use clear thought and meditate, you can do anything that has different consequence.

And remember that you are loved so you may show love to others, and sometimes the best thing to do is to stay away and accept distance that is placed from cause and effect and other people, accepting the circumstances of the times.

The past is gone, the future is yet to come.

The present is here, that is why we call it the present. The present is the only thing here, and anything we can do with it will be done if we just put our energy and mind to it.

But the key is to remain in peace and calm. And to have a realist attitude that acknowledges and respects potential in everyone. And it is wise to have a personality that acknowledges and reasonably predicts and stays away reasonably from the bad potential in existence of the formed object known as the universe, which an infinitely big change in existence brought the known world into the forms it has become. Everything physically close to us exists in the known universe. It is very good. Earth is awesome.

Know that there is so much you can do and it will be good for you, not withstanding mistakes we all make that we should know we are going to make because we cannot predict the future or have complete knowledge. You can do it, and you are able to stand it when you will find help.

You do not need to talk to me. Just look to professionals for real help. You can do it, you already have done the first step, acknowledging the need for help. You have done so much already, just by asking around. You are loved, and you are more than able to help anything you put your mind to and it is very good that anyone can solve their own problems when they calm down and listen to their own thoughts in silence.

The national forests near you might be a quiet place to calm down, so find it at the USDA website, the website of the Department of Agriculture of the United States. Do not harm yourself there, but calming down might help, so go only when prepared. But seek help first. Go with a mental health professional that can take time to meditate with you in a park at a beautiful place where you can.

You can make a YouTube video about Meditating on peace, as long as you abide by the rules and terms and services of YouTube and Google. Do it only after consulting professionals through the consultation of a professional mental health counselor.

Thank you so much for reading if you read all the way down here. Today will be a great day because we are making it a good day.

Disclaimer: I was not paid to state this, I do not work for any government agency. As a good Samaritan, I wish all those seeking counseling to consult with professionals and to have cordial contacts with government agency specialists in the field of social services relevant to each need of each individual. Seek Hospital advice in the emergency room only when in crisis, Get help if you need it. Seek help every time whenever it is needed.

I mean well for you, so best of luck. Here is to hope. Cheers.

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