Christians Who Pray And Share

Active Christians who want to share their views on nudity, Christianity, and problems around the world. Most of the groups on this site are very dead. Christ never intended for us to set back and do nothing in times like these. So, if you are willing to share, pray for one another, and send prayer requests, then this is the site for you. If you don't want to share then don't waste our...

Does anyone have a great way or a good idea on how to ask a friend to join you and a resort.

I have a friend who is going through somethings and think it would do wonders for them. Any ideas on how to approach the subject. They are a Christian also.

Any thoughts would be great. Thank you.

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RE:Asking friends

First start the discussion with them at your house and with Mrs. and let them know y'all are nudist, check reaction. If he does not know, be easy and figure from his point of view. Be like if tables were turned and he suggested to y'all be ya naked with him. Two sides of every coin, sts. Respect goes long way, good luck !

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