Christians Who Pray And Share

Active Christians who want to share their views on nudity, Christianity, and problems around the world. Most of the groups on this site are very dead. Christ never intended for us to set back and do nothing in times like these. So, if you are willing to share, pray for one another, and send prayer requests, then this is the site for you. If you don't want to share then don't waste our...

I just told my wife about my nudity -- would you pray, please?

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I was a hippie nudist back in the 70s -- but after I became a Christian, I didn't think that I should continue.
I've been married to my very conservative wife for 32+ years.
About six months ago, I began thinking: did I really have to give up nudity? I'm thinking that I didn't. And I would like to resume. I've been building new thinking along that line for six months.
Just tonight, I told my wife. She was dumbfounded. Which shouldn't be a surprise: I've been working on this for six months, and she heard it all in one hour. Who could digest that?
So: please pray for her, and for me. Thanks.
~ WillyFive

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RE:I just told my wife about my nudity -- would you pray, please?

That sounds fantastic for both of you. I have found that other nudists are so friendly and open. It is great to be nude with others.

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RE:I just told my wife about my nudity -- would you pray, please?

That sounds fantastic for both of you. I have found that other nudists are so friendly and open. It is great to be nude with others.

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RE:I just told my wife about my nudity -- would you pray, please?

That sounds fantastic for both of you. I have found that other nudists are so friendly and open. It is great to be nude with others.

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RE:I just told my wife about my nudity -- would you pray, please?

That sounds fantastic for both of you. I have found that other nudists are so friendly and open. It is great to be nude with others.

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RE:I just told my wife about my nudity -- would you pray, please?

That sounds fantastic for both of you. I have found that other nudists are so friendly and open. It is great to be nude with others.

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RE:I just told my wife about my nudity -- would you pray, please?

Prayers assured, Willy. I think a lot of men are in a similar position, and hope that things improve for everyone as society gets more accepting of normal, natural human nudity.

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RE:I just told my wife about my nudity -- would you pray, please?

I just visited the Genesis 2.25 web site. It looks like they didn't reach their funding goal. I gather that the funding drive goes on so if you're inclined to donate get on over there and add some salt to the stew.

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