Christians Who Pray And Share

Active Christians who want to share their views on nudity, Christianity, and problems around the world. Most of the groups on this site are very dead. Christ never intended for us to set back and do nothing in times like these. So, if you are willing to share, pray for one another, and send prayer requests, then this is the site for you. If you don't want to share then don't waste our...

With everything that is happening around the world today does anyone else think we are heading down the road toward the end times as prophesies in the bible say. Wars and rumors of wars, floods, earthquakes, droughts, diseases and one world order as the globalists are pushing the agenda with one world economy etc. If so we need to pray for God to open our hearts and minds to the truth of what is going on and to fill us with wisdom and power through the Holy Spirit to boldly share the gospel and pray that the hearts and minds of the lost will be softened and open to hear and receive Jesus as their Lord. Pray for a global revival. Am I the only one thinking like this. Please pray about this and then post what God shows you.

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RE:End Times

There are lots of people asking similar questions.

What we can know?
Jesus will return.

We can't know the exact timing though. Throughout the last two millennia Christians have thought that the time was nigh.
It could happen today. It could happen tomorrow. It could happen in a thousand years.

Having said that, the signs seem ripe. There are dynamics today that haven't been present in history. It makes one think we're very close.

Whatever the case, we should live as if Jesus were returning today and plan as if He would return in 100 years.

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RE:End Times

I see the same. It seems very close

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RE:End Times

I see the same. It seems very close

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RE:End Times

I see the same. It seems very close

Some Christians have seen signs of the end times from the beginning of Christianity.
While I agree that we should live as if the end times are near, I'm not expecting it.

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RE:End Times

End times ?

Ignore signs. They are only signs.
Pay attention to your relationship with Christ. Know the Holy Spirit and be following His leading.
In a world of wise and foolish, the foolish weren't ready. Even if they had sign "signs"

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RE:End Times

God said there will be signs in the heavens so man will know the end of time is near. If youve read or studied the Bible, you know Isaiah 17 is happening as we speak. Ezekiel 38 could begin as a result of the Isaiah 17 fulfillment.
The drying up of the Euphrates River has been fulfilled and after that, the four horsemen will be released from tunnels inside. Dont know about the four horsemen, look those up in Revelation. It all gets bad when they appear.
Watch for the rebuilding of the Temple in another location and the sacrificing of the calves. Its getting very real as far as end times goes. There is so much going on its hard to list it here.

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RE:End Times

La fin des temps telle que beaucoup l'imagine est un mythe: notre plante aura une fin ( mais l'univers jamais), l'espce humaine aura une fin( pas toute l'espce comme les petits sauriens qui ont survcu l'extinction des dinosaures).L'homme se dtruira lui mme en tuant d'abord d'autres hommes par les guerres, mais la nature dont le matre est Dieu se vengera des malheurs qu'on lui fait subir par des catastrophes naturelles toujours plus dvastatrices ! Dieu a dit " allez et multipliez vous!" alors que de nos jours il y a surpopulation de la plante car Dieu sait que l'tre humain, le plus froce de tous les animaux, est incapable de grer l'accroissement de population qui profite normment une infime minorit gouvernante et qu'il cre ainsi sa propre fin du monde et la naissance d'un monde nouveau entirement reconstruire. Il faut donc qu'il y ait beaucoup de monde pour qu'il en reste suffisamment aprs l'effondrement complet de la population mondiale.

En Francais :

Oui, le monde devient de plus en plus peupl et avec les normes populations que nous avons dans le monde, y compris aux tats-Unis, il y a dj beaucoup de personnes en vie en ce moment et cela nous fait gravement du mal. Regardez l'environnement. La chose la plus littrale que nous puissions voir dans la Bible est la scheresse qui assche les fleuves Euphrate et Mississippi pendant les saisons chaudes. Il est idiot de dire que toutes les prophties se raliseraient. Mais ironiquement, le monde arrive galement la fin de la vie des humains. La nourriture devient en fait de plus en plus chre parce que la demande est la plus leve tandis que les stocks de nourriture sont les plus bas.

Ce qui est triste, c'est que les bonnes nations ont trop peu d'habitants dans les belles rgions et que trop de personnes vivent dans les pires rgions d'Afrique et d'Asie.

In English:

Yes, the world is getting more populated and with huge populations that we have in the world, including the United States, there already are way to many people alive right now and it's badly harming us. Look at the environment. The most literal thing from the bible we can see is the droughts drying the Euphrates and Mississippi Rivers in seasons of warmth. It is silly to say that all the prophecies would come true. But the world is ironically also coming to an end of life time for humans. The Food is actually getting more expensive because demand is the highest while inventory of supply for food is lowest.

The sad thing is that the good nations have too few people living in the nice areas and too many of earth lives their lives in the worst areas In Africa and in Asia.

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