Chunky Dunk

A group for everyone but also for the ones that are chunky. A place to talk about swimming naked and tell your story. Did you get caught how old were you. Share all the details

Lets talk about the first time you chucks dunked? Where how old.? With others? Please share.

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RE:First Tine

My first time was with my ex girlfriend, her sister and her sister boyfriend. I'm originally from an island country in the Caribbean and I went home because it was an election year (2012). My party lost :( . Anyway I was driving I was drinking vodka (Grey Goose) and cranberry. The other three was drinking sex on the beach. I drove to a beach on the western part of the island. There was a hotel on the right and a private home to the left. We went left and rest our drinks on the step a talked for a bit. Tide was low and calm, moon full. I said let's go in the water thinking no one would take me serious. To my surprise my ex said "OK" so I started stripping right away. Her sister was shocked but when she saw her starting to strip she took her clothes off also, then her boyfriend. We went in and had a ball it was only us and the moon. Even though we weren't together that's the best and most memorable experience I ever had with her.

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RE:First Tine

First time I went skinny-dipping (was not at all chunky, then), I was in 7th or 8th grade. A friend had a friend who was taking care of a neighbor's pool while that neighbor was out of town on vacation. There were four or five of us. We stripped and I popped a boner. One of the other guys noticed and realized it was embarrassed about it. He said, "ah, just jerk off and it'll go away." I tried, but couldn't make myself cum -- too nervous and anxious. He came over and "lent a hand." But gave up after a bit and said, "Just forget about -- no big deal." So, we just played in the pool. I don't remember whether it went away or not, but it just didn't matter.

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RE:First Tine

The first time the male half of us can remember was on a date.
We were out and decided to go to Saguaro lake (from Scottsdale). After pulling over next to the lake, we spontaneously stripped down and went out on a submerged concrete structure of some kind. I don't even know what it was.
It was nighttime, so we couldn't see much. Some guys fishing from a small boat went by, so we hunkered down in the water for a few minutes as they passed by. Otherwise, it was just a nice evening in the water together.
That's about it. We put our clothes back on and I took her home.

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RE:First Tine

I think I was 15yo at the time. We lived next to a salt water pond where we would take our boat across to the barrier beach between the pond and the ocean. One day, having taken the boat out by myself, I was swimming in the ocean and since no one was around, I took off my bathing suit. It was such a great feeling having nothing on. Later on, I constructed a Styrofoam ball with clothes pin so I wouldn't lose my suit. I only did this a few times. My next nude swim won't be until my early 40's on vacation on Cape Cod.

I remember "catching" my counsellor at summer camp skinny dipping. I'm kicking myself now for not joining in. I had been brought up very conservative, and even though it was a church camp, I thought I would get in trouble if I did it. Heck, I felt "dirty" swimming in shorts without my underwear when I forgot my suit once.

Am I ever glad I broke that brainwashing.

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RE:First Tine

Great story! And you haven't put your pants on since--LOL.

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RE:First Time

Love that. That sounds great

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RE:First Time

Unlike others, I was 21 when I went skinny dipping for the first time in the mid '70's. Like others I was not chunky back then either. After moving from LA down to San Diego a friend at work asked if I wanted to go check out Black's Beach on the weekend. "What's Black's Beach?" I asked. "It's the Nude Beach!' he replied. With visions of Playboy models running up and down the beach, I was all in! Of course, it was quite different once we got down to the beach, but it was still awesome to be among hundreds if not thousands of other nude men, women, and children enjoying the day naturally. Once I got my courage up to dropping my shorts and jumping into the Pacific it literally changed my life. It felt so good, so natural, and so right I never looked back and have only worn a bathing suit once or twice in the last 46 years!

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RE:First Time

Thats awesome.

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RE:First Tine

First time skinnydipping I was around 10 there was 5 of us we use to ride our bikes and ,and one guy had a pool at his house so we rode over and he asked his mom if we could cool off none of us had suites so we swam nude his mom brought out soda for us . When I got home I told my mom and she didn't care . We did it a few times over the summer it was great

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RE:First Tine

I bet it was. Swimming nude is the best

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