Chunky Dunk

A group for everyone but also for the ones that are chunky. A place to talk about swimming naked and tell your story. Did you get caught how old were you. Share all the details

I must confess I may not have the necessities for a chunky dunk. But then, I cannot claim to fully qualify for being a skinny dipper, based on my physical profile.

Is it okay if I just take a pudgy plunge? :-)

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RE:In between

"C'mon, the water's warm! Yes, like a bathtub! Skinny dipper, chunky dunker, pudgy plunger, whatever water size you are!"


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RE:In between

So true.

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RE:In between

I feel I am the same as you... I love all people, shapes and sizes to be honest. Let me Plunge into the water with y'all!

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