Circumcised Naturists

This group is for all people who are circumcised or those (male or female) who like the way it looks and feels! You can chat, share experience or get in touch with others here who feel the same way.

Circumcision late in life

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Anyone else had a circumcision as an older man? I had to get done almost two years ago at the age of 67 for medical reasons. Was a bit of a change but now really prefer it.

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RE:Circumcision late in life

Yes, two months ago and Im 68. It was not essential but something I had considered for some time and finally decided the pros outweighed the cons.

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RE:Circumcision late in life

I got cut aged 45 (seven years ago now), for no other reason than it was something I wanted for myself. I much prefer being cut and wouldnt want my foreskin back for anything

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RE:Circumcision late in life

I was in a different situation. I developed skin lesions which meant my foreskin didn't retract properly all other treatment failed, so it had to be circumcision. Up till then it was never something I'd considered or thought about. Now that it's done, I think it looks and feels much better. The only thing that worried me was the first time on the beach with the glans exposed. The factor 50 was out!

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RE:Circumcision late in life

I got cut aged 45 (seven years ago now), for no other reason than it was something I wanted for myself. I much prefer being cut and wouldnt want my foreskin back for anything

Much the same here, except I was 57 and it was 9 years ago. Only wish I'd had myself circumcised sooner. As I'd kept my foreskin pulled back much of the time beforehand, there wasn't a lot to get used to - just the lack of the bunched up skin behind the head. Like a lot of other guys, I feel truly naked with my glans uncovered.

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RE:Circumcision late in life

I was circumcised at the age of 55 having been considering having it done for years, purely because I preferred the appearance of a circumcised penis. I'm very happy with the result, and as others have mentioned, I wish that I'd had it done years earlier. Bettet late than never I guess!

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RE:Circumcision late in life

hi, 61 here and circumcised in late 2022. the reason was Lichen Sclerosis, which causes small hairline cracks in the foreskin. So the first summer as a naturist with a bare head. Certainly much less feeling and the skin is also a bit harder. circumcision was not too bad with the exception of the first nocturnal erections. I now use a lubricant while masturbating. All in all it went well and I'm happy with the result

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RE:Circumcision late in life

hi, 61 here and circumcised in late 2022. the reason was Lichen Sclerosis, which causes small hairline cracks in the foreskin. So the first summer as a naturist with a bare head. Certainly much less feeling and the skin is also a bit harder. circumcision was not too bad with the exception of the first nocturnal erections. I now use a lubricant while masturbating. All in all it went well and I'm happy with the result

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RE:Circumcision late in life

Just replied to a different topic thread about this but Im 36 and think that I am going to need to be circumscised because of my foreskin. Would be great to hear peoples thoughts on this and the process of recovery afterwards as that is the bit that worries me the most. And how I would masturbate too

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