Circumcised Naturists

This group is for all people who are circumcised or those (male or female) who like the way it looks and feels! You can chat, share experience or get in touch with others here who feel the same way.

older guy Cut from Birth

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I am older naturist guy and was cut from birth, quite prefer cut as a visual thing too

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

I was circumcised as a child and always felt very comfortable with my mushroom head exposed always..I would get erections very quickly in showers particularly if there were old men in the changing rooms. I could see staring at my cock. Some would follow me into the showers and soap me down tickling my prostate as I moaned and gasped my way thru the most delightful experiences I'd ever felt.
I would love to meet men like that today

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

Very personal memories to treasure. Very brave of you to share them.

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

Very personal memories to recall. Ones to treasure.

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

Of course circumcision is mutilation: the foreskin is a natural part of the mammalian body with a clear function. Cutting it for medical reasons (phimosis etc.) is okay and, maybe but less obvious if done to non-consenting minors for religious reasons.
There is no good reason whatsoever to remove a functional body part as it always brings a health risk (regardless how small). The only reason it's fashionable in the USA is because puritans like it as it makes masturbation less easy...

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

Any evidence for that claim about circumcision discouraging masturbation? Sounds highly unlikely. I think circumcision was popular mainly for hygienic reasons: boys didn't have to worry about smegma beneath the foreskin. I've always been pround of my cut cock. I think a roundhead is prettier than a cavalier. In my experience women prefer a cut cock. There seems to be some evidence that it reduces the risk of STI.

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I was circumcised when I was 10 years old and there are times that I regret it. I wish I known better at that age.

I enjoyed reading all the post in this topic and all the comments are spot on. Although I do believe that some men undergo circumcision due to medical health issue (phimosis) which is the common problem due to the opening of the skin is not stretching enough to exposed the head which can cause discomfort. Think about it as if someone is strangling you in your neck and you cannot breath at all. It is similar to that I supposed lol. I'm Asian and growing up in an Asian culture especially where I came from, it is not common to have a child get circumcised in the hospital not in my generation. Although I think nowadays, they do that automatically if you give birth in the hospital. I have 5 brothers and although I do not recall seeing my 2 older brother naked and not even my own dad, I assumed that they are also circumcised just like the rest of us 4 boys. It was my own decision to get circumcised at the age of 10. It is a customary back home between the age of 8 to 12 years old, you can get circumcised during the summer break from school. It was more of a peer pressure for me because in my circle of friends at that time, I am the only one that is not circumcised yet and everybody is teasing me about it. Also, it is also part of the procedure that before you get circumcised, that you can pulled the skin all the way behind the head of your penis without any pain or pressure and mine doesn't do that yet. Although all my friends said that I can just put a force to pull the skin, I am afraid to do that. So, when I decided, I went to see this old man who does the circumcision, he is not a doctor. the best thing I can describe him is that he is what one may call here in the western county as a whack or voodoo guy LOL. So, I went to see him and he checked on my penis and pulled the skin. He said that he cannot do it yet because my skin cannot fully retracted so while he was talking to me and checking it out, he pushed the skin all the way back and my glands was exposed. I didn't feel any pain at all but was caught in surprised. He said to start doing that everyday and make sure to clean it properly whenever I shower to remove the white stuff (smegma) I didn't even know the name of it back then and see him in a week to do the circumcision. All this time, my parents don't even have a clue that I went and wanted to get circumcise. So in a week time, I asked my mom for some money to buy a pack of cigarette which is what I will give to the man old as a payment for the circumcision. I even dragged my 8 years old brother at that time and asked him if he wants to get circumcise as well since I am doing it and he went with me. My mom thought that I was joking but still gave me the money. I can tell you the whole story of the circumcision which I don't have enough space here as the characters are limited LOL. So, that was it and got circumcised. But looking back now and after talking to some men who are uncut, I wished I stayed uncut as they said that they feel more sensations if you are uncut and I believe it because the glands is hiding under the skin and when you pulled the skin, the glands is moist and very sensitive. I think if you take care of it and washed it properly 2 to 3 times a day to keep the smegma away, there will be no problem in terms of health issue like transferring an infection to a woman. Let's put it this way,..during the old days, men are not as hygienic compared now because nobody tell them to do so. If I can turn back the time, I will stay uncut. Let me know if you want to hear the complete story of my circumcision. I may need to do a separate topic for that as it is funny and maybe unsafe to some people especially in the western culture LOL.

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

Of course circumcision is mutilation: the foreskin is a natural part of the mammalian body with a clear function. Cutting it for medical reasons (phimosis etc.) is okay and, maybe but less obvious if done to non-consenting minors for religious reasons.There is no good reason whatsoever to remove a functional body part as it always brings a health risk (regardless how small). The only reason it's fashionable in the USA is because puritans like it as it makes masturbation less easy...

Peter has no problem masturbating and I have no problem masturbating him. He was the first circumcised guy Id been with and I soon learnt what to do to make him happy. Yes its different to masturbating an uncircumcised penis, especially as Peters circumcision is drum-tight and his skin doesnt move a millimetre, but not worse - in fact I prefer it.
Natasha xx

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

Of course circumcision is mutilation: the foreskin is a natural part of the mammalian body with a clear function. Cutting it for medical reasons (phimosis etc.) is okay and, maybe but less obvious if done to non-consenting minors for religious reasons.There is no good reason whatsoever to remove a functional body part as it always brings a health risk (regardless how small). The only reason it's fashionable in the USA is because puritans like it as it makes masturbation less easy...

Peter has no problem masturbating and I have no problem masturbating him. He was the first circumcised guy Id been with and I soon learnt what to do to make him happy. Yes its different to masturbating an uncircumcised penis, especially as Peters circumcision is drum-tight and his skin doesnt move a millimetre, but not worse - in fact I prefer it.
Natasha xx

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