Circumcised Naturists

This group is for all people who are circumcised or those (male or female) who like the way it looks and feels! You can chat, share experience or get in touch with others here who feel the same way.

older guy Cut from Birth

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I am older naturist guy and was cut from birth, quite prefer cut as a visual thing too

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

Thats how i felt getting teased in the showers at school didnt help but iam so happy being circed, i love it i love the way the inner most part of yoiur sex organ is on view all the time

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

Absolutely my friend

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

I was circumcised at a young age due to a tight foreskin. Hated it growing up and being different to others but as i got older i came to love it and now i am proud to be cut. I like how it looks and how it feels.

I was circumcised at birth for medical reasons and was embarrassed and also hated being different. I hid myself away, but the same thing happened to me. As I got older I stopped being embarrassed and embraced being circumcised/different with open arms!

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RE:older guy Cut from Birth

Do you know that you are cutting off many nerve endings when you circumcised..I wish I had a choice rather be un-cut. Basically it is male genitalia mutilation which in Women is illegal to do, so why isnt it for men,,dont think parents should make that decision for their sons..also go watch a circumcision. Some are done without anaesthesia, the baby screams as if someone is causing great harm..actually terrifying to hear , after seein g that my son in not cicumcised.. .

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