Coffee For Nudist

A place to hang out with friends who also enjoy a good cup of coffee

How many coffees deep are you in a day??

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how many coffees deep are you all in a day? i love coffee and since i quit booze and weed coffee seems to be my new addiction, though due to health reasons i can only have two real coffees a day then i switch to decaff if that counts, honestly, i don't know how many i have in a day but at least 5 two real ones and few decaffs

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RE:How many coffees deep are you in a day??

I usually have 2 cups in the morning although occasionally I'll drink a third cup but try not to drink any coffee after noon. I don't much care for the decaf so don't drink any of that.

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RE:How many coffees deep are you in a day??

I used tovdrink 32 oz a day. A little at a time, poured from my themous to its small cap cup.

Such a lovely ritual as I drove between drain clean plumbing jobs. I understand lighting a cigarette is similar enjoyable ritual.

But doctor and dentist discouraged it, so I am down to one cup coffee, French press in morning and one at lunch. Then cut off toll next breakfast

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RE:How many coffees deep are you in a day??

I start most days with a mug before breakfast. Depending on my work schedule, an equal amount in the car. Done with caffeinated by 2pm, occasional decaf later. The important issue, tho, is whether I have coffee nude. I roll out of bed nude and have that first mug well before I get dressed. The rest depends on the day.

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