Cold Weather Nude
Several of us like the challenge and the break with convention of being outdoors in snow, trying to do as many days as possible naked on the beach, to see our foot prints in snow or get the sharp sensations of being in the cold for as long as possible before warming up. The contrasts involve are exhil@rating and good fun to do as dares. The group explores experiences, defines the limits of what...
Enjoying the Cooler Weather . . .
Return to DiscussionsAs much as I enjoy lazy days in the Summer sun, I'm really looking forward to the cooler days of Fall. I love waking up to crisp mornings, also enjoy when it cools down late afternoons this time of year. It all makes me appreciate that shortening window of afternoon time in for going naked. Nudity need not be confined to warm weather, though. I've often X-Cskied in the snow, but that was when much younger, don't think I'd do it now. What could be nicer, though, than the radiant heat of sitting naked in front of a wood fire? Also hot-tubbing was meant for Winter, and, of course, cold nights are great for sleeping. Hunkering down and cozy warm spaces--all makes nudism more enjoyable year-round.