Colorado Mountain Hiking

Share information about good locations to hike nude in the Front Range and in the Mountains. (Boulder/Denver/Ft.Collins/RockyMountainNationalPark/IndianPeaks, Summit County and the Southern Front Range too). No discrimination, so if you have an area not listed, feel free to mention it too.

Naked Hiking Day

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This group has been quiet. What are people doing for World Naked Hiking Day? I am going to be down in southern Colorado. My wife and I will be at Valley View from the 19th - 21st, so my naked hike will likely be the morning of the 21st starting there and up into the Sangre de Cristo's, as will be the day before and the day before that.

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RE:Naked Hiking Day

Glad some people got a naked hike in. I was surprised to not see too much activity on this day. Unfortunately I was on a business trip but was definitely dreaming of a good hike that day. But plan to spend some free time soon.

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