Commando Women

This is for women who go commando or don't wear underwear and for men intrigued by them. The original Commando Women were ladies of the night in Bond Street, London, UK. But it applies to any women who shun their undies.

Where do you guys go commando

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It's such a lovely feeling to have no underwear on, but where do you do it, commando all the time or in some places, add me as a friend and you can tell me
Hope everyone's having a great day!

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

Everywhere. I gave up underwear 20 years ago.

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

most places! I wear underwear to work, out of necessity, I feel, and the rest of my time I like to swing free

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

most places! I wear underwear to work, out of necessity, I feel, and the rest of my time I like to swing free

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

maybe look into a pair of these to not be fully exposed, as an option you can cut out the underside.

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

I rarely wear underwear anymore. I imagine this time next year I wont own underwear at all

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

Literally everywhere. Been commando for about 15 years now and I dont think Id go back to it. Ive got nothing to be ashamed of so why would I confine myself for any reason.

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

Same here bro, 15 years commando, love it.

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

I rarely wear underwear anymore. I imagine this time next year I wont own underwear at all

Have you gotten rid of some of your underwear since you rarely wear it now?
I reduced my supply gradually over a year or so as I was wearing it less and less.

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

I have got rid of almost all of mine, but i have a pack of 5 briefs unopened that for some reason i hang on to

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RE:Where do you guys go commando

I have got rid of almost all of mine, but i have a pack of 5 briefs unopened that for some reason i hang on to

If they're unopened you can donate them to charity. When I was reducing how often I wore underwear I also bought a few string bikinis and g strings to see if less coverage was more comfortable for me. It wasn't. My wife noticed that I was often not wearing underwear and most of what I had was wearing out so she bought me a 6 pack of briefs opened them and put them in the drawer. I probably then had more underwear than ever and was wearing it less than half the time. I told my wife that I was seeing how often I could skip the underwear so she wouldn't buy me any more. I got rid of all of my string bikinis, g strings older briefs and some worn boxers. Within a few months the rest of my underwear was gone.

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