Conservative Nudists

Nudists who politically lean moderate to conservative. We should consider ourselves "politically" conservative.

Did you expect any different?

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A Conservative Nudist group posting just in case youre feint of heart. I just saw the results of the Trump trial & the topic title expresses my view. It was rigged from the outset; the scales of Justice were never in balance and there wasnt a blindfold within 100 miles. A demograph note about the trial area said it was 5% Republican but yet no change of venue was ever considered; what kind of kangaroo court was Merchan orchestrating? It seems quite obvious, even if youre a die hard blue blood. Perhaps even more telling is the fact of 10% Big Guy Joe and the DNC machine has been able to fight off all attempts at catching him with his hand in the cookie jar. Its ridiculous. All you have to do is check his net worth prior to the Obama years to the present and clue yourself in. Hes getting his share of the cream. At least Trump had to earn his. Whats next is the obvious question? Well all have to see & its a dark time in the republic as the empire dems wish to destroy the opposition. Strange thats exactly the situation in California. Its going to be an ugly road but hopefully the whites can overcome the reds. Otherwise, its going to be bad for the common folk. Lets hope for the best.

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RE:Did you expect any different?

I posted the following on another social media platform:

I'm troubled by the optimistic view of the pundits on the conservative networks. They naively assume that Trump will actually win on November 5. Perhaps he will. But the Neo-Marxists have a multi-layered redundant insurance policy in place:

1: If it looks as though he is overcoming the normal margin of fraud (yes fraud), then the 3:00 am ballots, imported over the past four years by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, will be submitted where they are needed strategically. Wednesday morning, we will see a repeat of the red/blue count curves, including the step change at 3:00 am. Just like 2020. But if the unthinkable happens, and Trump actually DOES win 270+ Electoral College votes, then:

2: Convicted Felon Trump (tm) (mark my words, from henceforth, you will never hear him referred to as anything other than "convicted felon"), will become a dictator, should he actually take office.
Come January 6, 2025, when the Congress meets to certify the Electoral College vote, there will be "alternate slates" of Electors from some of the blue states that somehow Trump won, will be presented. (Just as was attempted in 2020, but were called "fake electors" by the press.) A convicted felon must not take office. The current Vice President (She whose laugh is more obnoxious than Hillary's) will permit the alternate slates of Electors. This will secure Obama's fourth term (yes, I should have typed Biden's second term, but we all know, don't we?).
Trump will thus then be prevented from taking office on 1/20/2025.
If even #2 doesn't work, and Trump actually gets through the 1/6 certification process, then:

3: If the 11/5 Election season ends with Trump OVERWHELMINGLY winning both the popular AND Electoral College votes, then the final insurance policy must be invoked:

"Mostly peaceful" protests, in every city, suburb, town, borough, township, &c, &c, &c. Except these will be "mostly peaceful" on steroids, speed, Adderall, and meth. It will be such a massive riot, that the federal government, with the most capable Commander-in-Chief since ... since .... well since ever, not even Washington was as capable--will invoke martial law, and just suspend the Constitution. Constitutions? We don' need no Constitution!
BLM, ANTIFA, Occupy Wall Street, and all those FBI informants will be let loose. And the MAGAs will be blamed--especially when we try to protect our families and homes. We ALL will become "J-6ers." We ALL will be guilty. We ALL will be subject to appearance before the Neo-Marxists' tribunals. And Trump will be the leader of the guilty MAGAs. He will be the MOST guilty. And the Merchan court will be a traffic court in comparison.

Meanwhile, China, Russia, N Korea, Afghanistan,, will be hegemonizing the rest of the world, and we will see our Navy crippled beyond repair. And Oceana is always at war with EastAsia.

It was a good run, but I think it's over. I hope the Romneys and McConnells and the rest of the Rinos and NeverTrumpers are satisfied. This need not have happened.

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RE:Did you expect any different?

I posted the following on a separate social media platform earlier this evening:

I'm troubled by the optimistic view of the pundits on the conservative networks. They naively assume that Trump will actually win on November 5. Perhaps he will. But the Neo-Marxists have a multi-layered redundant insurance policy in place:

1: If it looks as though he is overcoming the normal margin of fraud (yes fraud), then the 3:00 am ballots, imported over the past four years by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, will be submitted where they are needed strategically. Wednesday morning, we will see a repeat of the red/blue count curves, including the step change at 3:00 am. Just like 2020. But if the unthinkable happens, and Trump actually DOES win 270+ Electoral College votes, then:

2: Convicted Felon Trump (tm) (mark my words, from henceforth, you will never hear him referred to as anything other than "convicted felon"), will become a dictator, should he actually take office.
Come January 6, 2025, when the Congress meets to certify the Electoral College vote, there will be "alternate slates" of Electors from some of the blue states that somehow Trump won, will be presented. (Just as was attempted in 2020, but were called "fake electors" by the press.) A convicted felon must not take office. The current Vice President (She whose laugh is more obnoxious than Hillary's) will permit the alternate slates of Electors. This will secure Obama's fourth term (yes, I should have typed Biden's second term, but we all know, don't we?).
Trump will thus then be prevented from taking office on 1/20/2025.
If even #2 doesn't work, and Trump actually gets through the 1/6 certification process, then:

3: If the 11/5 Election season ends with Trump OVERWHELMINGLY winning both the popular AND Electoral College votes, then the final insurance policy must be invoked:
"Mostly peaceful" protests, in every city, suburb, town, borough, township, &c, &c, &c. Except these will be "mostly peaceful" on steroids, speed, Adderall, and meth. It will be such a massive riot, that the federal government, with the most capable Commander-in-Chief since ... since .... well since ever, not even Washington was as capable--will invoke martial law, and just suspend the Constitution. Constitutions? We don' need no Constitution!
BLM, ANTIFA, Occupy Wall Street, and all those FBI informants will be let loose. And the MAGAs will be blamed--especially when we try to protect our families and homes. We ALL will become "J-6ers." We ALL will be guilty. We ALL will be subject to appearance before the Neo-Marxists' tribunals. And Trump will be the leader of the guilty MAGAs. He will be the MOST guilty. And the Merchan court will be a traffic court in comparison.

Meanwhile, China, Russia, N Korea, Afghanistan,, will be hegemonizing the rest of the world, and we will see our Navy crippled beyond repair. And Oceana is always at war with EastAsia.

It was a good run, but I think it's over. I hope the Romneys and McConnells and the rest of the Rinos and NeverTrumpers are satisfied. This need not have happened.

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RE:Did you expect any different?

Hello All:

I am glad to see more posters in the group here. At least that is good. My take is a bit different.

Yes, of course this was rigged. Anyone with their eyes open---just a little--can see that. The law that Trump was supposed to have violated was a misdemeanor and the statute of limitations had run out. However, this was changed to a felony with a window of time that covered the the period in question was opened, clearly just for this case. If that is not a set-up, then nothing is.

There is good news out there. One is that the RINO class is no longer in charge of the Republican Party. Now, Laura Trump among others are there at the top. They know how the real world works and are not just going to sit there at let the Dems run over them, as was done before. This new group is just not that type of people. Related to that, Donald Trump himself is no fool. He knows how this works too.

Secondly, some of the billionaires, like Elon Musk are awake and have perhaps "taken the red pill." People like Musk can do a lot behind the scenes, where the real power comes into play.

Third, at least the early "snap polls" show that this "conviction" has played little to no roll in how people say that they will vote. These results were already baked into most people's thinking. I do think that Trump will continue to gain with Black and Hispanic voters. It is not totally crazy to think that Trump will win the majority of Hispanic voters. Here is a funny twist: The Dems are not used to the necessity of cheating in the Hispanic voter districts, so some of these votes could sneak in accurately!

Trump is also gaining in states that were unexpected, like Virginia. Some say Minnesota too, but that will not happen. Clearly, Trump needs to win beyond the "margin of cheating" but that is more possible all the time.

What is my biggest worry? That Dementia Joe is replaced by Michelle Obama. Then we are in big trouble.

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RE:Did you expect any different?

Ugh, don't EVEN mention her name! They might get ideas. Yes, that is among the worst case scenarios.

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RE:Did you expect any different?

The vote will not count for anything. Only the numbers that come out of the computer will elect crooked Joe. Why does it seem that no body is paying any attention to the voting machines?

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RE:Did you expect any different?

I am afraid you are correct on that one. The one really big potential deal breaker would be a huge effort at the exit polls to silently survey the voters where contentious numbers were found last. The idea would be to hand voters a tablet (with a privacy film) to tabulate the voting. If a real, verifiable poll was conducted (at many locations), then a valid challenge could be made to a contrary outcome. A real, provable surveyed voting analysis would be difficult to sweep under the rug. Then the lawyers would have a field day and let the fracas begin. Any thoughts?

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