Could Be Nude 24/7
Anyone who would be conformable being completely nude 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If you would be comfortable nude doing everyday things like working, driving, shopping, going to the bank, every day activities. I know I would if it was socially acceptable.
First Time Socially Nude 24+ Hours Straight!
Return to DiscussionsI accomplished my goal of 24+ hours nude this weekend and it was awesome! Arrived at camp on Saturday and got naked at 1:15, didn't put on a single stitch of clothes until around 5:15 Sunday: In all 28 straight hours naked and I socialized way more than I ever have before. I attended the Saturday evening pot luck dinner followed by a bonfire. You'd think eating, drinking and talking with a bunch of naked people you barely know would be awkward but it wasn't at all. If anything, I'm more comfortable there now than I ever have been. I hope to get in another overnight before this season is over and I plan to make it a much more regular thing next summer! The best feeling was rolling out of bed Sunday morning and strolling naked onto my cabin's deck to sip coffee and soak up some sun. I was so used to being naked that after I loaded my car I started to get in to drive home and realized I was still nude!
- 5 years ago
Congrats newbnudist! May you have many more experiences like that. Sort of amazing when you begin to forget that you aren't wearing anything, it feels so "normal."
Thanks! I coming to realize that society has made being nude not "normal"...Covering our bodies with clothes is not normal (unless it serves a purpose, mainly protection from the elements).
- 5 years ago
Congrats. When I got into nudism I lived near a nude beach so was usually just 8 hours or so for me. I will never forget my first trip to a nudist resort.. Lake Como in Florida. 7 days straight with no clothes. It was an incredible experience.
Thanks! 7 days straight...someday I'll get there.
- 5 years ago
I'm wondering where you went?
Dyer Woods, Rhode Island
- 5 years ago