Couples Who Only Has One Nudist. Ho
My wife (not just a wife how about hubbies too) won't go nude can we change her mind?
Let me know
Return to DiscussionsI lived in Holland for 4 years and was exposed to the natural lifestyle. Wish my wife also shared this experience with me. Anybody successful in transforming the lady of their life?
- 15 years ago
So far NOT successful... :-(
- 15 years ago
My wife has not fully accepted it yet either. Because of severe medical problems, surgeries, etc., She doesnt have the 34-24-35 body she has had most of her life, so social type nudity is a holdback for her. She has medications that have put weight on her and does not like the way she looks......doesn't care necessarily what others think of her's just what she thinks of it! She is one of those that has a problem with seperating true nudity and sex. I tell her she looks great to me and that nudity and sex are not what the true nudist is for. She now does private homestyle nudity around the house and the private backyard, especially in the spa and the pool. We have been happily married 42 years, together 47. We have been faithful to each other from day one, so we are NOT into the swinging lifestyle! She is one of the best things that ever happened to me.
I have been trying to convince her that we have been too reserved to long and now it is time to loosen up! I have been patient and opened up several avenues such as other nudist experience stories, giving her more body massages/rubdowns, body compliments, and lots of different "pep" talks about participating in the nudist lifestyles. She has always been a very beautiful lady and I have had my share of "beating them off."
After cancelling a couple of trips to a resort, I am not discouraged. I am already trying to convince her into going to Cypress Cove here in Florida in February, our 43th anniversary month! Wish me luck!
- 15 years ago
It really does have a lot to do with how she feels about herself, not how she thinks others will see her. I think I will bring up the subject again and see what her real feeling are about it. Good luck to everyone working though this issue.
- 15 years ago
I would have thought there would have been more suggestions forthis topic! Is there not open suggestions that knowlegeable people can offer??
Thank goodness I have found many nudist friends that were very helpful for my part. Maybe that is the answer from my experience! Find knowledgeable nudist friends that you "trust" and they might offer help, most possibly from their personal experience. My partner has not come completely through yet, but we are getting close!!
Amazing how many will view the subject topic, but won't get into the analysis!
- 15 years ago
I have been talking with my wife about it for a few years. Last year, I
was able to experience social nudity for the tirst time. I found that I
enjoyed it and the people I met were great. I, too am am happily married
and not looking for any extracirricular activity. Visiting as an
unaccompanied male, the male reputation always preceeds you. It is much
harder to get a friendly conversatioin going. I am looking forward to
having my wife accompany me,
I have visited several of the central
Florida resorts, with one of my primary goals being to decide where she
would have an experience she would enjoy it and be open to returning. If
you can make it to Cypress Cove, it would be an excellent choice. it is
definantely on my short list.
- 15 years ago
Sorry to be late with the post, but yes, With the partner/wife with you it is much better. Since we are on the "buddy system" I will not go until she will! Yes, Cypress Cove is our target!
- 14 years ago
OK Nudepops and everyone else I have the same or similar chore at hand and over time have done a lot of research for something that would click. one of the things I have found is this letter from CheriDonna which you are to print out and leave laying for her to find. Cheri also reccomends not to be to pushy about the idea.
I think there are also some threads in the main forums, which I have lost track of, that offer help.
I think my other halfs biggest issue is that she is susseptitable to skin cancer.
- 14 years ago
OK Nudepops and everyone else I have the same or similar chore at hand and over time have done a lot of research for something that would click. one of the things I have found is this letter from CheriDonna which you are to print out and leave laying for her to find. Cheri also reccomends not to be to pushy about the idea. I think there are also some threads in the main forums, which I have lost track of, that offer help. I t
hink my other halfs biggest issue is that she is susseptitable to skin cancer.
Hi, Jimmie. Thank you for asking me to post here. The link for my reluctant partner brochure is & I would advise you to print it out and leave it where your partner will see it. Don't just hand it to your partner. When you're sure he/she has seen it. Offer a compromise. In exchange for a few hours of her time accompanying you, offer something your partner would like, ie you cooking a special meal, taking your partner out for a special meal, visiting some place your partner has been trying to get you to go, your partner's choice of tv show or movie, something in your budget. Other suggestions: be patient, be patient be patient. Make sure your partner knows that if for any reason he/she is uncomfortable, you'll gladly leave with him/her.One couple: it took her 10 yrs. to disrobe; another couple - she wore her button-down blouse but kept it open on the 5th visit.
Keep reminding your partner how handsome/beautiful/lovely he/she is.
Regarding suntanning: I do not lay out in the sun. That's not what nudism is about. It's purely for the enjoyment of the air, water on your skin without tight constricting clothing. Sunscreen works wonders in preventing burns esp. if you keep reapplying. If I'm going to be outside at a nudist venue, I generally wear a sunhat (usually a Travelites one) after putting sunscreen on my face, etc.
BTW, nudism is not for everyone. I do hope you have success
- 14 years ago
I have just recently began starting to try nudism and my wife doesn't know. I amafraid taht she weill think I am a pervert or something but I really want to try going public. I think my wife look ok but she thinks she looks terrible. I will try to print this paper and hopefully she won't freak out.
- 14 years ago
I have just recently began starting to try nudism and my wife doesn't know. I amafraid taht she weill think I am a pervert or something but I really want to try going public. I think my wife look ok but she thinks she looks terrible. I will try to print this paper and hopefully she won't freak out.
- 14 years ago