Connecticut Mens Social Club
A group for men in Connecticut and those near by to have a way of planning nude events. Pool parties, game night, movie night or just a good old fashioned naked dinner.
Just wondering if our group died over the cold winter?
Hi guys, I will be attending a conference in Hartford July 3-5 and was wondering if anyone in the area is on Airbnb or CouchSurfing? Looking for a nudist-friendly place to stay. Feel free to on me. Thanks!
Looking for like minded men for game nights, drinks.
Jeez just when you think spring is here.. another storm..... can't wait for warm weather and some outdoor time..though maybe I will get some snow nude pics today
Anyone around today whod like to hang?
Just wondering if there are any get togethers on tap soon??
Stay warm, safe and naked boys!
I'm going to be at Foxwoods this Sunday and Monday if anyone wants to hangout naked. I will be staying at the Fox Tower and plan on going to the G Spa.
Merry Christmas boys!!!
Hi Guys. Matt, Dan and I are planning a nude gathering at my house in East Glastonbury for the end of next week, Friday Nov. 10 from 7-9pm. Pot luck, bring your own. If interested message me here on TN. Some of you may remember coming to my house...