Connecticut Mens Social Club

A group for men in Connecticut and those near by to have a way of planning nude events. Pool parties, game night, movie night or just a good old fashioned naked dinner.

Seems like the group has died ...does anyone have any plans for the summer....get togethers etc

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Hike planned for Memorial Day, if you do;n't mind driving up to Vermont. I'm sure we will have other outings as the summer goes on, though I am not in Connecticut.

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I'm planning on hiking. I've hiked yesterday at Sleeping Giant in Hamden.

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I'm planning on hiking this summer. I was at Sleeping Giant yesterday.

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Sorry you missed the update about a nude gathering at my house this past April. Nice group of guys...a good time.

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Ive heard a few people mention hiking at Sleeping Giant. Is it popular with naturist hikers, or do you always need to wear something?

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