Connecticut Mens Social Club

A group for men in Connecticut and those near by to have a way of planning nude events. Pool parties, game night, movie night or just a good old fashioned naked dinner.

Confirmed nude gathering, 12/27, 3-5:30pm,...

Hello, Friends ~It's confirmed. I'll be hosting a nude gathering at my house just east of Hartford on Saturday, 12/27, from 3:00-5:30pm. Just snacks, drinks, and meeting one another. Relaxing and social.Please email me for further...

Post-Christmas gathering in Hartford area

Dear Member of the Connecticut Mens Social Group ~ As indicated in earlier postings Im hoping to hold a gathering at my house in the Hartford area between Christmas and New Years, specifically on Saturday, December 27 or Sunday, December 28. I know...

Holiday get together

Hi guys, One of our fellow members has expressed an interest in hosting a naked evening at his house but is a little nervous about not knowing many people here. Since this is such a new group and we have not had an official event yet I was wondering...

That time of year

So how is the naked holiday decorating going?

Happy Halloween!!!

Anyone dressing up tonight? Or down?

Naked Monday

I hope everyone had a great naked weekend. Today is my day off this week and am looking forward to spending as much of it naked. Anyone else naked today?