Connecticut Mens Social Club
A group for men in Connecticut and those near by to have a way of planning nude events. Pool parties, game night, movie night or just a good old fashioned naked dinner.
Any nude events or gatherings over the Memorial Day Weekend?
Return to DiscussionsHello!
Ive been itching to hangout with fellow nudists but havent seen any events posted in a while. Anyone having any nude events or gatherings over the long weekend?
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- 6 years ago
RE:Any nude events or gatherings over the Memorial Day Weekend?
Would love to hang nude this weekend
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- 6 years ago
RE:Any nude events or gatherings over the Memorial Day Weekend?
Group had been pretty dead here.... you hear about any get togethers?
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- 6 years ago
RE:Any nude events or gatherings over the Memorial Day Weekend?
Group had been pretty dead here.... you hear about any get togethers?
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- 6 years ago
RE:Any nude events or gatherings over the Memorial Day Weekend?
Anybody else interested in hosting? It does not have to be the same two houses every time.
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- 6 years ago
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