Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Nude night walk around neighborhood

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Does anyone ever walk around their neighborhood naked at night? I tend to do that a lot in the summer it's such a thrill. If so any stories?

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

Then of course there are vehicle dash cams, a lot of them work on detecting movement, so automatically switch on when you start driving, but also switch on when they detect movement in their field of vision, so you walk past one it can be recording you, I use mine for vehicle security, as I've had one van stolen, I take it in every night and put it on my kitchen window sill pointing at the van, it switches on and records if there is anyone near the van, which is round the back of my house so no one has any business being there, just like to point out its not recording people on the road,

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

A bit over a year ago I went on a night walk at MILs place. Half mile or more to the levee, about 2 naked miles down the levee and back. Now it's o'dark 30 (about 2 am) I decide its quiet enough that I could make it all the way back. Fron the levee, Cross the 2 lane road to the business on the corner down the street past a small field then past houses with a block fence to the street. (Backyards) street is now lit with trees about 100 feet apart and some short bushes not waist high. 30 to 40 houses, most 2 story with windows that could view. Most covered, 2 or 3 open. No one expects to look out at night. Then across the two lane into the mobile home park. Go back to the 3rd street to her place. Several mobiles with lights on, but no one has curtains open. Then to her back door and in. No one seemed to notice. Very nice walk. Cool Temps with an easy breeze. When alone with her she hosts me with the allowance for my nude visit.

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

A short street walk last night. Short since it's only a small street of a main road and it wasn't that late. Nice for a short while. :-)

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

I really like going for short walks late at night early in the morning. Would be great to do it with a few others as a group and make it more socialable.

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

When I lived in Chicago, that was a regular thing for me since I lived adjacent to the woods and could walk right out my back door and go for a nude walk in the forest preserve after dark.

Where I live now it is difficult because of the wildlife out here but I've done a few nude walks down and back in the wash on nights when there is some moon light, careful not to step on anything poisonous like a snake or scorpion!

I get more daylight nude walks in now, but have to drive to a trail head nearby.

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

I tend to let the dog out in the street first thing and late at night. Ill walk naked away from the house. Several neighbours have seems me nude and never seem bothered.

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

I tend to let the dog out in the street first thing and late at night. Ill walk naked away from the house. Several neighbours have seems me nude and never seem bothered.

Probably easier to do in Spain than in the US.

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

Where I used to live, I would take naked strolls around my suburban neighborhood late at night. To my knowledge, nobody ever saw me, although I would keep an eagle eye out, since I would be on a very public sidewalk. I was much tempted to walk clear around the block naked, but it was a LONG way around, and I didn't want to get too far from home naked. I did a dry run around the block once at 2am (clothed) and had a car come up behind me with no warning. If I'd been naked, I don't know if I could have made it home before the cops came. I don't do that where I live now. Too many surveillance cameras.

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

I've done it in the past with varying levels of risk. I started stripping off on a quiet country lane across from my house put clothes in my bag and walk a short distance. Then upped it to leaving bag behind even if again for a short distance.

Then I started leaving home nude. I wouldn't go barefoot on that country road too many stones but for most of my walks from home I'd go barefoot (wear shoes if it was cold) These varied from a few minutes to my longest walk being 35 minutes.

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

Does anyone ever walk around their neighborhood naked at night? I tend to do that a lot in the summer it's such a thrill. If so any stories?

Ive done that too a few times over the years . Its amazing how quiet the streets are late at night.

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